Chapter 13

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"now will you tell me why did you go through all that trouble just to find me?" Wuxian looked at him with hopeful eyes. He gently took the Jade's wrist and pulled him closer, Lan Zhan fell face-first in the taller's chest.

"please?" Wuxian whispered, now the smaller was trapped in his comfortable embrace. "I... I miss Wei Ying.. I don't want to believe he just vanished like that so I disobeyed my Clan just to find him.." Lan Zhan uttered, his voice slowly fading on the last part until he dozed off. He was feeling much more comfortable in the latter's chest that he didn't eat to move anymore and ket sleep devour him.

Now it was Wuxian's turn to be speechless. "I miss Wei Ying" those drunk yet genuine words rang through Wuxian's head until he heard soft snores. He looked down and saw the smaller one already sleeping comfortably on his chest.

After staring at nowhere for a while Wuxian shook his head and picked up Lan Zhan off his feet, carrying him bridal style before making his way back to the temple by roof.

He placed put Lan Zhan down, took off his outer robes and threw it on the chair, lying Lan Zhan comfortably on his bed. He looked down at the peaceful Jade who was fast asleep, he looked at his forehead to see his forehead band lose. He remembered the time at the Archery Camp where he accidentally pulled Lan Zhan's forehead band that Lan Zhan ignored him for the rest of the day. He chuckled to himself when he found out what it meant. But hey, they were in Gusu so what did he do? He unashamedly pulled the forehead band off, folding it nicely and putting it next to Lan Zhan's pillow. "sleep tight, Lan Zhan." he whispered, kissing Lan Zhan's forehead. He went out of his Chambers and suddenly halted.

What did he just do—? Wuxian dashed towards his Bed Chambers and went to do his night routine a bit too fast as he just wanted to lie down and sleep. Not only the feelings of wanting to touch, have, embrace and confusion towards Lan Zhan haunted him, a new feeling emerged. A feeling of something in his stomach when hearing Lan Zhan saying he misses him. What was it all for?! Wei Ying groaned in dissatisfaction as he jumped on his bed wanting to drift off as soon as possible.

---- ——— ----

Lan Zhan woke up with hangover that made him a bit irritated. He wondered how he ended up back in his bed Chambers when the last thing he knew was him gulping one cup of wine down. He panicked when he didn't feel his head ribbon on his forehead and quickly jerked up, only to see it neatly folded on the table beside his bed. He calmed down but who on earth would dare touch his sacred ribbon? He doesn't have time to think because the hang over was breaking his head.

After a while, He went to do his morning routine, meditate, take a bath, read a book then get ready for the day. Today was Qixi Festival which a very busy day for the Villagers to prepare for the night.

He walked through the empty halls of the Temple wondering where could everyone be. He then went pass the open mini garden and stopped when he saw a Black Bird standing on a tree branch with a different scroll on his ankle. Lan Zhan knew it would be his brother's. He dashed towards the bird, stretching his arm out as the bird went down to stand in his arm, waiting for the scroll to be taken off.

Once Lan Zhan has the scroll, the bird flew away to who knows where.

He opened the scroll immediately wanting to know how his brother was,

A-Zhan, you made me worried sick. I did something that would surely make you happy, I will tell you once we see each other again. And don't worry, you can take your time wherever you are with Wei Gongzi. I will even travel to find you if I know where you are, I want to see you.

Sincerely yours, Lan Huan.

Lan Zhan read it with a small smile plastered on his face, he was so focused on the letter that he didn't feel a presence behind him until he felt someone blow hot air on his ear.

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