Chapter 2

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Author's POV

After at least 2-3 hours riding Bichen and arriving at Burial Mounds, it felt something was off. He lowered himself more and jumped down from Bichen when he was inside Burial Mounds.

He didn't feel any arrays as he did last time he came here, that's why Wei Ying always know when he was here.

He silently made his way to the direction of where the suppose-to-be small, as they considered 'home' for the Wens and Yilling Patriarch.

Thinking to himself how Wei Ying is all these months kept him company during the silent walk.

His lips formed a small smile thinking of meeting that cute Wen Child again, the one they called,

He chuckled to himself.


Lan Zhan was going on a night hunt when he came across Yilling Village. He knew Wei Wuxian is near this village as he met him here several times. He walked to a good stand and bought himself mild flavored pastry and continued walking through Yilling.

He finished his food halfway and bought himself water, also throwing it in the trashcan once he's done with it.

He sighed to himself, he couldn't even get a wink of rest in this night hunt. Can't even eat food without walking. He then stopped when he saw a child curled up on the ground, seemingly lost.

"Father... Father..." he kept sobbing the word father. Lan Zhan didn't know what to do, or say, should he comfort the kid?

Should he ask for his parents? Should he leave-- all these thoughts were interrupted when he felt a tug on his white robes.

He looked down only to find that child tugging on his robes and crying.

"Father! Father!!"

Lan Zhan became even more paler, the child's cry drew attention from the nearby villagers.

He bent his knees a bit, raising his hands in front of him as if he's trying to grab the kid but he halted in his steps.

The kid kept crying and tugging on his white, now wet robes. He looked so pitifully helpless as he heard the villagers murmurs.

Pulling on his robes a little, feeling uneasy with a face asking that someone should save him from the feeling of humiliation, he does not have the heart to talk back to people that time as he just came passing by.

He is a passerby everyone rarely sees.

"whose kid is he?"

"he's crying too hard."


"what kind of father is he?"

"he's so young."

"it must be his first time as a father."

Then it just kept on coming.

Lan Zhan slowly turned his gaze at the feeling someone familiar was there.

Then he met Wei Ying's eyes. Wei Ying smiled at him softly and relieved as he responded with the 'does this kid belong to you..' face.

End of flashback

He smiled to himself, what a way to meet someone.

Then all too soon his smiled faded. Golden irises shrinking into smaller ones as his mouth hung agape.

The sight of rotting corpses, horrible stench and burned and dead place welcomed his sight. It was all too much for him.

Where's Wei Ying? Where are the Wens? He rushed to where the cave he remembered Wei Ying used to hide Wen Ning and even inventing and improving his talismans and dark arts are.

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