Chapter 7

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Once their job was done, Wen Qing heard from the doctor about their conditions and said their thank yous to them and the Yilling Patriarch. And said they can leave early. Wen Qing wanted to know why, so she asked. The Doctor from Lim Village started..

"the corpses started showing up around when night fell, like the exact time it was dark, no sunlight, some of our villagers heard noises and grumbling. Then that's when they started to attack us. They looked so hungry and for some reason angry, because they were aggressive-" 'fierce corpses'.

""how did you handle it? Those were fierce corpses, this whole village would have been massacred if what you says they attacked you is true." Qing blurted. "I know, Dr. Wen, but someone came to save us. He looked like he was drunk because he was tipsy and quite lack of senses. He got scratched in the leg though that did not stop him and killed the corpses all in one go with a Guqin." the Doctor explained. Qing looked at Ning and Wen Ning looked at her knowingly.

"all right. Thank you, keep these talismans-" she gave the doctor a few talismans, "they are made by the Yilling Patriarch. They will create an invisible array that will help you if corpses attacks again and will alert the Yilling Patriarch, we will send someone as soon as possible." she explained and doctor thanked again and again.

As they walked out after resting for a little, Qing started talking. "do you think that was Hanguang-Jun?" asked Qing. "Mm.. Who else is Guqin user..?" Ning replied, "but the doctor said he was tipsy and lack of sense, for sure Hanguang-Jun does not drink alcohol. He wouldn't get scratched so easily." Ning nodded at his sister.

"Are you talking about Rich-Gege?" Yuan asked as they walked into the village exit. Qing nodded and continued to talk to Wen Ning.

They couldn't even imagine it was Lan Zhan who saved the village, carries a guqin, in white robes, white forehead band and also carried a sword, but tipsy and lack of sense made them doubt.
Besides, if it were Lan Zhan, what was he doing here? It's too far from Gusu, form the 5 major clans.

---- --- ----

Last night.

Lan Zhan heard some roars of the corpses from a distance. He was having a high fever and could pass out any time. But his stubborn ass dragged himself to the sounds of corpses and saw a village in chaos. Many were injured and many looked like they passed out and others lied on the floor, probably dead but no. He wasted no time to be shocked and entered the scene.

He control Bichen who swiftly moved around the village, stabbing the corpses that were the closest to a person and jumped in himself, grabbing Bichen and attacked the corpses. Though she was tipsy. His mind was hurting so much, he took a long pause and held his pounding head that was suppose to split any second now and he groaned when a scratch on his leg appeared, he looked at the ground and saw a corpse grabbing his robes. He raised Bichen and thrusted his sword until it dug on the corpses nape and to the ground.

He decided to finish it off once and for all, taking Guqin out and played the tunes and sends the shock waves everywhere, it resulted to little damage on the houses but not too much. When there's nothing left, he let himself fall on the ground. His vision blurry as he held his pounding head.

He dragged himself up again and controlled Bichen, un-thrusting itself from the ground and going to Wangji as he put it back on his waist. He ran like a drunk guy away from the village. He did not want to see the unfamiliar people, what if they do something to Wangji while he's asleep? He did not want that.

He saw an old cabin in a distance and almost crawled there. Once he was inside, he closed the door but before it was fully closed, he passed out. He passed out with a bleeding leg, hot body, pounding head and bad condition.

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