Chapter 26

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It has been two weeks and the couple spent most of their time together everywhere, whether it be with the Wens, outside or even just inside Wuxian's room.

His Clan was now stronger than last time, even bigger too. He had loving people, a beautiful scenery of the beach, a beautiful village and such. The Moon Bridge was now more amazingly-designed. And around the clan stood various torches to light up the streets but it was always lighten up as there were lanterns everywhere.

Wuxian was smoothly running the clan. Balancing his family-time and work while taking care of his pregnant soon-to-be husband who he still had their Everyday Activity with him, but these days he became more gentler, mentally noting himself after Lan Zhan gives birth he will yet again ruin the precious milky skin and abuse his small body in a way Lan Zhan wouldn't even be able to remember his name. He faced Lan Zhan's mood swings but it wasn't all too difficult when Lan Zhan himself dismissed his own mood swings. He didn't want to work the older man even more when he's already running a busy clan who's busy growing and getting stronger and more known to the Cultivation world.

Even though Wuxian told him for about a million times that Lan Zhan will never work him up, Lan Zhan was persistent, their relationship was so loving that sometimes it made Wuxian rethink his decisions. But he wasn't regretting this. And even though he told Lan Zhan to just rest, Lan Zhan becomes teary whenever he wanted to help Wuxian with his paperworks but the latter doesn't like it, but in the end Wuxian gave up. He didn't want Lan Zhan to cry, specially he's pregnant. Bad for the baby.

Wuxian often gets distracted whenever he's in his study with Lan Zhan as he kept stealing glances at his Angel. Lan Zhan doesn't notice it but he feels a pair of ruby eyes staring at him some times, it makes him feel shy but nonetheless doesn't mind.

Their wedding is a week away, now the couple with their son Yuan were standing on the Moon Bridge. All looking at the shimmering stars above them, the clan's busy streets echoed there, chattering laughing, drinking and such activities.

Wuxian was holding Lan Zhan's waist while Lan Zhan holds Yuan's shoulders, Yuan hugging a stuff toy he bought from home.

They all enjoyed the comfortable silence under the loving moon who sees everything from it's view. Wuxian used his free hand and caressed Lan Zhan's stomach, making the latter's cheeks heat up.

They were like that for quite some time before walking back to the busy streets of Wei Sect. Back to the Palace to rest and call it a night. Wuxian cuddled Lan Zhan to sleep that night.

Four days passed and then three days to go and they will be legally by the politics, Elders and God's married for eternity.

"It's beautiful, thank you so much, Qing-Jie." Lan Zhan chirped, holding a small black box with a golden tie. "Anything, Wangji." she flashed him a smile.

"Wangji, I'm so happy for you and A-Ying. And thank you, for bringing back his spark. Even though he is still cold in some way, I.. We, can feel his genuine happiness specially with you. You don't know how much impact you make on him, so please, don't leave him ever again." Qing said, holding Lan Zhan's hand with both hands, staring into his eyes to see if there's any rejection or doubt.

But fortunately, all she can see is seriousness and genuineness. Lan Zhan bowed down his head with a smile while his eyes were closed, "I won't, Shijie."

Those three simple words was enough for Qing to smile with tears that were almost falling. She scoffed to herself and wipes her tears away. "Sorry I tend to get carried away if it's my family." Lan Zhan nodded in understanding.

They both bid goodbye for now and Lan Zhan walked down the halls that were busy with the servants cleaning and preparing for the grand wedding, Lan Zhan just wanted a simple wedding, but here was Wuxian, being his extra self, wanted it to be grand since his whole clan plus the Lan Zhan will be going, and who knows if the Lan Clan would bring extras. He doesn't mind, as long as it don't cause a ruckus because he will literally whip out his Amulet if his precious wedding would be ruined.

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