Chapter 9

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Wen Qing told them to eat lunch first if they wanted. So, Granny Wen and Luji sat down and ate in silence until Luji decided to break it. "Granny Wen, was that really Hanguang-Jun?"

Granny Wen nodded slightly with a hum. "that is him. After all these months him and A-Ying will meet like this.." she paused then scoffed, "Youngsters fate I guess."

"does that guy always look like that?"
"looks like what dear?"
"w-well.... He looks so pretty.. Too pretty to be real..." Luji looked down admitting. Granny Wen was silent, "yes. In the past in our clan, he was always the topic of Wen Guys that were in the streets to hang out. Like a small gang like that... Because of the Second Jade of Gusu Lan was always ethereal looking, all they know what to talk about is him. And when I saw him in real life, I can't blame those people. He's a living angel." Granny Wen explained. Luji's heart sunk to her stomach but she quickly regained composure not to make it obvious to Granny Wen that she likes Wuxian.

On the other side, Wuxian placed Lan Zhan back on bed, carefully not to put pressure much. She checked Lan Zhan's temperature with his hands and he was still burning.

He became irritated. Why did Lan Zhan make him worry? Why did he go out by himself? Specially on inner robes? Why did Lan Zhan pass out? Why did he— he cursed himself under his breath. This man. The man on bed, the man who's beauty was described as ethereal and unreal, YES THIS MAN. WHY does he make Wuxian feel these?! The feelings were unfamiliar, or was he just in denial?

These thoughts disturbed him as Wen Qing checked up on him here and there.

"he's okay, he just fainted because of shock... And low energy. Once he wakes up he needs to eat." she said calmly, preparing medicines for him to drink later. He nodded and heard Yuan sniffling.

He knelt down to his height level and gently caressed Yuan's head. Seems like Lan Zhan's charms hypnotized this boy too. "A-Yuan, what's wrong?"

Yuan gulped, holding tears back. "I'm worried about Rich-gege.." he mumbled enough for Wuxian to hear it. Wuxian carried Yuan and cradled him. "he will be fine." Qing told Yuan and Wuxian nodded. He then talked with Qing while cradling the baby Yuan. Wen Ning just there, standing and listening. What should he do? Should he leave or watch the discussion?

Wuxian noticed this and handed Yuan to him, telling him to take Yuan and they should both eat. Later on Wen Qing followed them after dismissing their conversation, which Wuxian stayed, observed the Jade then threw a talisman on the roof. The talisman was something that forms an invisible barrier with whatever it touches. Only Wuxian was recognized by the talisman which because he made it himself. This would alert Wuxian if ever Wangji tries to touch the wall door or even the floor. It wouldn't even let Wangji open the door if ever, so, he left confidently that Wangji wouldn't escape.

---- ——— ----

At night, Wuxian didn't eat dinner with the Wens and Yuan. Instead, he was in his study, he remembered Qing's advice to take some time alone for the meantime. Which he was in deep thoughts, he didn't notice the spark of the another talisman he placed on his table. He was looking at the wall while he legs were crossed, arms resting on the arm rest while his other arm supported his head. Then, his eyes went red. His eyes only goes red when playing Chenqing and such in battlefields but now, he released his true emotions it affected his abilities, yes this was normal for him, so he let it be and didn't even bother turning it back to Grey as red eyes were his true colored eyes.

His eyes landed on the talisman which sparked multiple times, he jerked upwards and ran towards the Clinic Chamber. He held the report talisman in front of him, it kept sparking. Which means Lan Zhan was probably trying to open a window or door which the talisman wouldn't let him. So, he waited for a couple of minutes until the sparking stopped.

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