Chapter 4

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Authors POV

That night Wangji pushed through the Lan Juniors, knocking them out being too careful as to not scratch them and just leave them passed out.

It was better than scratching his juniors or injuring them. He left with a heavy heart seeing them unconscious on the ground as he made a run for it, without looking back. Though he swore to come back as soon as he finds his Wei Ying.

What was his purpose though? Find Wei Ying, then what? These kinds of questions lurked inside the Second Jade's brain, distracting him, though he convinced himself he just probably misses Wei Ying and wanted to visit him to know if he was all right. But then what? Return to Gusu.. Just like that? Without any punishment?

He knew if he finds Wei Ying and returns to Gusu just like that, he will recieve severe punishment that Xichen couldn't even save him.

Or that's what he thought.

In a land near a large lake.

Wei Ying stared at the night sky and sneezed repeatly for at least 5x.

"ah. Someone must be talking about me," he said rubbing his nose and put his attention back at the sky while fireflies flew around.

He decided to spend the night in his beach house that on the other side meets a lake while the other side meets the sea.

After some time, he went inside his property and went to his room, turning the fire out using a talisman. He then changed into his night robes and made his way in his bed. He just returned from a trip to another village because of the said corpses lurking around and attacking people.

Wei Ying is now a chief of a once poor village, now raising with the huge sum of gold Wei Ying and the Wens found when they were traveling back to the old Wen Clan. They found the whole place slowly getting overtook by nature. Wei Ying's clever mind thought about it and took some of the left over richness and books from Wen Ruohan.


Then they traveled somewhere far away from Burial Mounds and the other clans, specially the major 5 clans. So, when they encountered a small village with poor villagers. 

The village elders soon knew he was the Yilling Patriarch. Black & red robes, long dark raven black hair, strong body-build, carries a flute around with him and holding a sword called Suibian.

At first they panicked but then some of them came into realizations that ever since they went there, their lives slowly changed. Wei Ying and the Wens helped with gardening, planting vegetables and fruits, Wen Qing helped those who were sick and Wen Ning helping old people around. Without anything in return.

Then, they decided to confront him.

The next day came and Wei Ying was sitting under a tree while Wen Yuan and his friends plays in front of him, WenYuan telling stories about the time when They're still in their old home.

"and you know, when me and Ying-gege went to Yilling village I got lost! But then I met a handsome, tall man!" Wen Yuan says proudly.

"who's the handsome tall man?" one of his friends asked.

"I call him Rich-gege!" Yuan chirped.

Wuxian stared at the kid bewildered, after that time Lan Zhan visited them it never happened again and he did not know why. It made him doubt and his feelings slowly fading away. But then there's Yuan, still remembered him and it made him flutter.

"what does he look like?" eagerly asked the other kid. "he is cute, calm, nice tall has long black hair, I do not remember his whole face but he is rich!" Yuan chirped again.

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