Chapter 29

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Unknown to them, the lanterns traveled through the night. Jiang Wanyin who was under a tree in Yunmeng spotted glimmering light above and he saw the sparkling lit up lanterns, judging from the word 愛 and an unfamiliar logo, it was from the Yilling Patriarch and his people. He watched as the lanterns glided to nowhere as he hummed, he doesn't smile but he congratulates Wuxian, most of all Lan Zhan for their wedding. He leaned back on that tree near the lake as he just closed his eyes..


At 5am Wuxian was already awake even if he wasn't a morning person, it's his and Lan Zhan's day today. He beamed and started to freshen up. He took a good bath, brushed his teeth almost in a hurry as if he'll be going somewhere important.

He put on a casual robe, a towel on his back for his draping wet hair. He went outside to see Wen Qing already awake, helping Wen Ning, Granny Wen and some Wei soldiers along with Nie Huaisang who was instructing then how to do it right. "Wen Hua, Wen Rue, a little to the right... No! Slightly to the left!" he instructed as they were carrying a table for the Priest to use, four large flags of Wei Clan were hanging on the palace's roof, Wen Ning was carrying a red carpet with gold straight details while a Wei Clan logo embroidered in the end. He placed the carpet down in a distance from the staircase before pushing it as it rolled down the stairs perfectly.

Wen Qing was white and red petals on the floor, of course in a way it doesn't look messy. The area was wide, that everyone can see a perfect view of the considered bride walking until they reach the Priest.

He then approached Nie Huaisang who was fanning himself while looking at himself proudly, he was the one who gave them the idea of hanging four flags of Wei Clan and also the one who gave Wen Qing the idea of spreading petals all over the place. Lan Zhan would surely cringe at this.

Granny Wen then went to Wen Qing, asking her to hand the glower petals to her as she will do the job because it was almost 6 am and it will take them at least 3 hours for Lan Zhan to prepare. She, of course nodded. She ran down the staircase and ran like a child excited to put make up on her barbie doll. He then entered the nearby temple, it was a lot smaller compared to Wuxian's temple .

It was an inn, an inn where Lan Zhan was.

"Wei Xiong, you've been standing there like a statue, let's go, I don't wanna look gloomy for your wedding I need to look good too, you know!" Nie Huaisang chirped, walking past Wuxian and suddenly pulled his hair to gather the man's attention. "you!-" Wuxian growled at the smaller male.


Yuan jumped out of the room he was in, all prepared, wearing his own black-red and Grey robes, he looked like a little prince charming with his hair half-tied like Wuxian's, with a black ribbon and also Lan Zhan's old white-crown, he looked like a mix of Wei and Lan Clan with also the white ear cuff on his left ear. He then saw Wen Ning, Nie Huaisang and Wuxian with 3 Elders. They were talking until Yuan jumped in their conversation.

"Good morning, father Ying!" he beamed, startling the adults as they didn't notice the smaller male was there. Nie Huaisang gave out a dramatic gasp, "who are you?!" he spat out and Yuan pouted his lips. Wuxian put a hand on yuan's head and gently patted him. "you look dashing, my boy." Nie Huaisang let out a barf.

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