Chapter 23

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The very next day, Lan Zhan was awake at 5am of course, he felt a little sore from their session last night and he was lucky enough to talk sense into Wuxian to not be so rough and wild because he still wants to walk tomorrow in his glory inside Cloud Recesses after almost 2 months of being gone.

He gently took Wuxian's arm off of his waist, standing up before going to the bathroom and freshen up and might as well take a bath. Once he came out, he already saw Wuxian sitting on bed, wearing one layered robe that was lose on his chest and only tied by a belt. Wuxian stood up and walked towards the bathroom.

Although Lan Zhan was in deep thoughts, "am I that irresistible?" that made Lan Zhan Snap back to reality. "Shameless." Lan Zhan hissed and Wuxian cackled.

Wuxian snatched the latter's waist, pulling him towards him. He smashed his lips on those plump, rosy ones. He hungrily kissed Lan Zhan, sucking his lips as if he has been hungry for days. "mhh~"" Lan Zhan tried following his lead, but Wei Ying was too wild. Lan Zhan wanted more of this but they have to prepare to go to Cloud Recesses. He, with all his might pushed Wei Ying away who leaned in more into him. He stopped when he felt Lan Zhan's hand pushing him

"Shameless. Wei Ying."

"Is it my fault youre irresistable?", "and I thought you said, you're the one irresistable?" Wei Ying choked on his saliva. "oh yeah, well-"

"Just take a bath, Wei Ying." Lan Zhan then, Shoved Wei Ying to the bathroom, closing the door. He shivered the moment before walking to his neatly folded robes that were on the chair.

He wore it and tried his hair. He went in front of the balcony doors that was getting intrude by the sunshine that made him somehow look like he's glowing. His movement had grace in them. He neatly, without a crumple in the sacred fabrics, adjusting it on his body. He looked even more ethereal than usual. He put on his forehead ribbon, brushing his hair while his golden orbs twinkled and shine like the sunshine. He was humming Xianwang while tying his hair up with his crown and pin. He tied and styled his hair the usual.

He, who was focused on dressing himself up, didn't notice that Wei Ying was staring at him, in love like in the first time again.

Lan Zhan locked eyes with the latter as the latter gave him a soft grin. "You're making me fall in love with you again and again, Lan Zhan." he said as he approached the latter and cup his cheek with his cold hands, but for Lan Zhan, it felt so warm.

"Lan Zhan, what do you feel when people tell you you're beautiful? That your beauty is no joke?"

Lan Zhan leaned in his hand a little, "I feel.. Gifted? But beauty for me doesn't matter. I don't even know why they say I'm beautiful. I'm a male.." Wuxian scoffed, "Lan Zhan, listen. Your beauty is no joke, you're making me fall inlove with you all over again with every little thing you do. You're not just beautiful in the outside but inside. If you even want, I will tell you everyday that you are beautiful both sides. I won't even get tired of it, no one can exceed your beauty, you're so effortless in the things you do, but still you managed to be so perfect. " Wuxian said, emphasizing the perfect.

Lan Zhan stared at his crimson red eyes, the eyes that caught his attention in the first place. He felt warm inside his heart, feeling the latter reassure him. This was the result Lan Zhan got from trying to be so perfect. Now that he is, he wanted it to stay like this. He was still careful with every movement, every words he speak and everything, he didn't want his efforts to be so perfect to go to waste. But what he didn't know is that even when he stops trying to be perfect, in Wuxian's eyes, he'll always be perfect no matter what.


With a talisman Wei Ying has made, they were teleported to Gusu, in somewhere no one can see and freak out because the Yilling Patriarch and Hanguang-Jun just appeared out of nowhere.

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