Chapter 10

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Wei Yuan took the pork ribs and offered some to Lan Zhan. "Rich-gege, Luji-jie cooked this. It's yummy!" He beamed a smile which made Lan Zhan coo a little on the inside.

He hummed in response and took some, putting it in his mouth. Wuxian chuckled at something Granny Wen said and saw Lan Zhan putting a piece of pork rib in his mouth, "L-" before he could say something, Wangji covered his mouth and his face went a little pinkish while sweat beads forms on his forehead. They all looked at Lan Zhan who started coughing.

"A-Lu, what did you put in those?" Grnany Wen asked and Wen Qing quickly handed Lan Zhan a cup of tea. Lan Zhan immediately drank it and Luji panicked eternally. "T-that was suppose to be for Wuxian-ge.. It has a huge amount of spices.." She nervously let out, feeling a little scared. What if Wei Wuxian kicks her out?

"It's my fault! I gave Rich-gege the pork rib! I'm sorry Rich-gege!" Yuan cried on Lan Zhan's robes as he pulled it. Wuxian didn't know what to do, should he comfort Lan Zhan? Yuan? Luji?

He groaned and once Lan Zhan calmed down, he spoke. "I cannot tolerate spice.." he admitted, Wei Wuxian knew it. But he didn't saw it coming when Lan Zhan put it in his mouth. He was too late! And most of the food here were all spicy except his soup which Wen Qing made typically for him. "I'm sorry. I forgot to remind you all Lan Zhan doesn't eat spicy food and only mild. Granny Wen next time cook something mild for Lan Zhan." He politely said towards the older which Granny Wen immediately nodded. "Luji, it's alright it isn't your fault." Wen Ning said, rubbing her back. "don't sulk, A-Lu. No one saw us when Hanguang-Jun was eating the pork rib. Don't make it a big deal, and Wei Yuan."

Wen Qing called and Wei Yuan only sobbed louder, wetting Lan Zhan's robes with his tears. "Yuan." Wuxian called but before he could say something else, Lan Zhan took Yuan in his arms and hugged the latter. "please don't blame anyone. I was the one who ate it willingly without knowing what's in it." He said in a soft but stern voice. Qing, Ning and Granny Wen nodded and Luji was stunned. Not only this person in front of him looks unreal but he has a side that anyone would coo, no wonder she felt threatened that Lan Zhan would win Wei Ying over. Wait was he even trying? What was Luji thinking? Lan Zhan isn't here to snatch Wei Ying, right? She's just jumping to conclusions. 'I'm probably just afraid.' She thought . Wuxian sighed and just nodded.

"How did I get here?" Lan Zhan asked. "I found Rich-gege on the ground of an old cabin when the rabbit snatched my toy. Qing-Jiejie and Ning-gege followed me and we found you! You have a cut on your leg Rich-gege" Yuan spoke making all of them stunned. Specially Wuxian. So all this time Yuan was the one who found Lan Zhan? He couldn't be any happier that his little Yuan was the reason that Lan Zhan was here today.

Lan Zhan looked at everyone in the room and his face became a little red as he avoided everyone's stare. He was trained to be what he was today, Perfect. If anyone would have looked into him better, they'd know all the things he did to be so perfect. But unfortunately no one saw his efforts, so because of that it's a heavy burden for him when someone or something sees him as a failure.

Just like what Yuan said now, he was on the ground, unconscious with an injury, he felt as if he was a disappointment. How could he, The Hanguang-Jun who was always perfect can be so reckless and end up like that? "excuse me for a moment." He said and put Yuan back on his chair before bowing, walking out.

The table was silent, "what happened to him?" Asked Luji, "maybe be ft embarrassed?" Wen Ning answered, "nonsense, why would he be embarrassed?" Granny Wen said. Wen Qing agreed with her. Wuxian sighed and stood up, he patted Yuan's head and followed Lan Zhan.

---- ——— ----

For some reason Lan Zhan found himself standing on the sand, looking at the night sky while the waves gives off a peaceful vibe. He took a deep breath to let his stress out.

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