Chapter 20

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1 month passed by and Xichen decided to stay as long as possible because he knows Lan Zhan was still taking his time to think if he wants to come back or not, and that wasn't trouble for Xichen. He already sent a letter for his uncle by the Black Bird which Wei Ying owned to let him be aware that he will be gone for a month, didn't say why, didn't say where he was, he just let his uncle know he is okay and strictly said not to even dare to do anything politically-related without his permission.

That night though, from then on Lan Zhan and Wei Ying were a couple, after that mind-blowing kiss, Wei Ying bought the bunnies back to their garden and told Lan Zhan he should spend the night in his chambers which Lan Zhan hesitated but Wei Ying took his forehead ribbon and threatened to burn it if Lan Zhan refused so in the end, he was trapped and caged in Wei Ying's strong arm which he didn't mind. The warmth of his Wei Ying was filling that little spot in his heart little by little.

Yilling Patriarch rumors that he was taken were all around Wei Village. He actually didn't care. He will let them know that and he will tell them when the time comes. He's waiting for the right timing. Though the villagers did not make it a big deal. They were happy for their Yilling Patriarch.

They bonded like no other in that one month, by means they, Granny Wen, Wen Qing, Wen Ning, Wei Yuan, Wei Ying, Lan Xichen and Lan Zhan. Even with the little time, they were already emotionally close. As if fate bought them all together to be one family. They laughed, talked and even showed the young Cultivators how to properly hold swords and bows and weapons. They did all sort of stuff, Yuan became a little mature which the adults were quite shock at how of a fast learner Yuan was.

Lan Xichen got used to the more rule-less environment with them. He felt happy that Lan Zhan was happy, and Wen Qing has the same happiness Lan Xichen was feeling for her younger brother Wuxian.

One time when they had nothing to do, Xichen and Lan Zhan came out of their chambers, wearing black and red while their white robes were neatly folded and they said they wanted to wash it themselves, although Xichen knew they do NOT know how to wash clothes but they tried. And what happened? Both of them accidentally ripped their precious robes which Wei Ying and Wen Ning couldn't help but laugh out aloud. These two were like two rich spoiled kids that starts to know how to do basic chores. Although Wei Ying was laughing, Lan Zhan felt utterly embarrassed and ignored Wei Ying for the rest of the day. But nevertheless Wuxian's charms worked Lan Zhan's mind into forgiving him. And Wei Ying made it up to him by asking Granny Wen to fix their ripped robes and it was good as new. He knew how delicate those fabrics can be and how important it is to Xichen and Wangji.

They even taught the Lan Brothers how to properly do wash their clothes, and basic chores such as cleaning the pans, washing the dishes without breaking any. The life was peaceful. No one was there to be ordered around by the Two Jades, and people there stopped calling Lan Zhan second Jade for Wuxian told them that Lan Zhan is a person with feelings and not just some Jade stone.

Lan Zhan even started helping Wei Ying with his works in his study room. Wuxian even showed him his work room which no one was allowed to enter and is protected by a powerful talisman. They loved each other's to bits while of course not leaving anyone out, specially Wei Yuan who was starting to grow and know more about the outside Cultivation world.

Xichen and Qing couldn't be any happier for them. Older siblings' love are something else. Wuxian named the temple Demon Palace as he felt that was right. Only the people there knew about the rumors of Yilling Laozu taken was true. They were all happy that Wei Ying found his light again he was more open but the coldness in his voice sometimes did not leave him, they know it's tiring for him to always be mischievous and noisy, so they let that normal Wuxian be, cold but open.

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