Prologue: Club ❣

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Aisha's pov 🌺
Thursday, 7:45 pm

"I wanna fall in love like one of those cliché movies," I randomly mumbled while scrolling through social media.

I was on my bed, and I received a text from Eden, one of my best friends.

Felicity Starr: Hey! Jaylee and I are going to the club, wanna join?

Me: Of course!!

I got up from my bed and went to my vigilant parents so I could ask them permission to go to the club on a Thursday night. I hoped they would say yes.

My parents have always been overprotective of me because I am their little angel that they keep cooped up in the house.

"Mom, Dad, may I go to the club with my friends?" I asked. "On a Thursday night?" My mom questioned. I slowly nodded.

Mom looked back at Dad and it is like they are communicating but without using words verbally.

Well, this is awkward. "Fine, but you're only allowed nine drinks." Excitement flowed in my veins and I jumped to hug my lovely and squeamish parents.

"I love you guys." I ran to my bedroom and changed my pajamas into a red dress that perfectly hugged my curves. I put on some makeup and fixed my hair and then I grabbed a purse to match my dress.

I grabbed my phone to text Eden to pick me up. She said that she was almost here. It was now 8:00 pm...I was in the living room, pacing around when I heard a car honk. I grabbed my purse and bid goodbye to my parents.

"Hey! Look at you, you look hot." Eden complimented as I sat down at the back since Jaylee was already sitting in the front.

"So do you, look at that." Eden wore a short black dress with a slit on the right, showcasing her thigh. Jaylee wore a black jacket over a black tube top and black shorts with high-heeled boots.

"Are you hoes ready for a fun night?" Eden questioned. Jaylee and I shouted yes. Eden turned up the radio and we started singing along to the radio.

Eden and Jaylee are the best friends a girl could ever ask for. Eden is an energetic, hype-man, and party-gal pansexual friend. She is the one who usually initiates these kinds of stuff.

Jaylee is wild but calm, a mother-like figure who gives good presents with a high sense of taste, and an animal-loving lesbian friend. She is the one who usually drives when we are all wasted.

I am a perfectionist, candle-loving, clingy, funny, and confident omnisexual friend. I am the one who has levels of drinking like Amy from Brooklyn Nine-nine.

"Aisha, how many did your parents set a limit on drinking tonight?" Jaylee asked. "Nine," I replied. "Nine drink Aisha is like a mother hen," Eden added. I chuckled.

"Ten drinks Aisha is when she is sleepy; tired from all the smothering," Jaylee said. "Elven drink Aisha is my favorite." Eden laughed. "Oh, what is eleven drink, Aisha? I usually black out at ten." I questioned.

"Eleven drinks Aisha is the confident whore." Eden said.

**Sexual Content**
(If you're uncomfortable with these kinds of content, scroll down.)

"Ugh, Mrs. Clinton is the worst and hottest professor I have ever seen in my life." Eden and Jay were talking about professors in the university while I stared at an empty glass cup. "Fucking hell, I need more vodka," Eden said, trying to stand up but failing on doing so.

"I'll get it you stay here, Felicity Starr." Jaylee insisted, putting her arm on Eden's waist stopping her from standing up. "How about you, Angela Develle?" I don't know how many I had drunk but I know I have passed the limit.

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