15: Cole Slater

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Elvia's pov 🌙
Thursday, 1:30 am

I ran through the ER filled with worry. I entered the room where Brooklyn was and I saw Elizabeth asleep while Mama and Mami were awake watching Brook.

"What did the doctor say? Is she ok?" I immediately asked. Mami stood up and said, "The doctor says that she has a fractured rib meaning she can't breathe for a bit. She has a large bruise on the stomach and she lost a lot of blood during the accident."

I shakily released a sigh. I felt a soft hand entangle my shaky hands in comfort. I looked at Aisha and she had a consoling and reassuring look on her face.

I reassured her by smiling before glancing at Brooklyn. There were machines attached to her and an IV bag.

She hates machines attached to her. She thinks that it might malfunction and make another clone of herself.

"How did it happen?" I questioned. "Car accident, the driver was drunk and didn't see Brooklyn cross the street," Mama explained.

I felt Aisha's grip on my hand tighten as if restraining me from seeing the driver. I ignored it and asked. "He is outside talking to the cops." I looked over the window and I saw a blond hair dude.

I rushed outside with Aisha behind me. She was silent the whole time since we got to the hospital. I saw the dude. Blond hair, nose piercing, a black suit, and a pissed look. Douchebag.

I walked up to him and raised my hand...I slapped him, hard. "What the fuck, dude?!" He yelled, earning some stares. My free hand formed into a fist as I glanced at the man.

"Next time...don't drive if you're drunk!" I pulled him closer by the collar. "Elvia." "Ms. Belladonna." The two warned.

I rolled my eyes, letting go of his collar. "Judging by the suit, you went out on a date or a business meeting...so you'll be paying half of Brooke's hospital fee," I stated. "What?!" He yelled.

Kill him.

"Keep your mouth fucking shut. There are people here working, have some respect." I spat. "Eli...stop," Aisha whispered, pulling me into a comforting hug.

I can't cry.

I shouldn't cry right now.

I have to be strong.

For Brooklyn.

"I want him...to serve a life in prison." I broke. "Ma'am we cannot do that but he will be serving at least 4-12 years in jail." The officer stated.

I quickly broke the warm embrace to face the man again. "What's your name?" I demanded. "Cole...Slater." He hesitantly said. "Ok, Cole...I will make sure the jail will wholeheartedly welcome you, persona di merda!"

Aisha pulled me back into Brooklyn's room before I could do anything else. Aisha pulled me into the couch and grabbed both my cheeks.

"Look at me, love." The sincerity in her blue eyes. I could just drown in them. Her blue eyes are so pretty. She looks the way people would describe heaven.

She is heaven to me.

Please don't ever leave me. I silently plea.

"I know that your sister is hurt and you have to understand to calm down and just be there for your sister when she wakes up, ok? I'll be here by your side." She assured. "Can you do that for your sister, baby?"

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