23: Cupcakes

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Aisha's pov 🌺
Tuesday, 12:30 pm

We sat at a cafe and I chuckled. "I don't like cupcakes, baby." I crossed my arms. I giggled as I watched Elvia's face turn into a frown.

"Really?" I nodded, watching her devour the cupcakes given by Brooklyn as a thank you gift for me.

"Aww, you're missing out." She mumbled. She grabbed a cupcake and held it in front of me. "Try at least one, princess, please?" She pouted.

I couldn't say no to her face. She looked so cute!

"Ok, love." I said and grabbed the cupcake from her hand. It had blue frosting with white sprinkles.

I took a small bite. It was chocolate flavored. "Yummy." I grinned. It was delicious.

I continued to eat the cupcake as Elvia smiled in triumph. "This is good!" I beamed. She chuckled.

"Princess, you have a bit of frosting here." She pointed at my cheek. I tried to lick it off but couldn't. "Here." She stood up from her sit and wiped the frosting off with her thumb.

She licked the frosting off her thumb and I blushed. "You're right, darling. It's delicious~" She said in a teasing tone.

I lightly punched her shoulders. "Eli! We're in public!" I scolded. I touched my warm cheeks to hide the maroon color.

Elvia giggled. "Don't do that, princess~" She tried to remove the hands but I didn't budge.

We continued to laugh and do this until..."I don't know whether I should be happy, jealous, or both." Jaylee and Eden appeared out of nowhere.

"Both." Eden interjected. Elvia immediately sat back down and I cleared my that. "What brings you guys here?"

"We're here for the finally editing of our short movie, Aisha." Eden glared. "Ohhh, right." I chuckled.

Eden sat down in the middle and pulled out her laptop. She showed us the final edit of the short movie.

My eyes landed at an elderly couple. They looked at each other with love as they held each other. I grinned.

I looked at Elvia and back at the happy elderly couple. I couldn't help but think that this is going to be us one day.

Holding each other's hands till the very end. I will love her forever.

4:00 pm
**Homphobia + Violance + Slurs + Mention of self-harm and attempted suicide**

I smiled. I was in a happy mood the whole drive back to my house. I entered the living room with a huge smile but it died down when my mom yelled.

"Aisha!" She approached me looking furious. "Are you really dating that d*ke?!" I flinched.

I looked down as she chuckled in disbelief. "So it is true...I can't believe this!" She shouted.

"You're really with that f*gg*t?!" I bit my lips to stop myself from crying."D-dont c-call her that." I muttered.

She stomped and grabbed me by the collar. "Don't you dare tell me what to do." She snarled. "Break up with her. That's an order." I vigorously shook my head.

"No." I stated. Her eyes widened. She put me down and I held onto my neck.

She roughly slapped my cheek. "You're a disappointment!" She spat with hate. My eyes widened. I shakily held onto the reddened cheek.

"Get out of my sight!" She bitterly said. Tears rushed down my cheeks. I ran back up to my room.

She slapped me without hesitation as if I wasn't her daughter.

I brought my knees onto my chest and I quietly cried. I heard a knock which made me immediately fix myself and hide my tears.

Scarlette entered the room with my phone. "Hey..." She said sympathetically. I chuckled.

"Hi..." I whispered. "Here." She handed me my phone and it showed a text from Elvia.

I grabbed it and placed it beside me. "I'll text her later." I muttered. Scarlette left and I sighed.

I sat up and went to the bathroom. My body was trembling out of shock and fear. I stared at myself in the mirror.

This time the mark was big. I frowned and caressed my cheek. I saw a razor blade.

I thought about the time my mom got mad at me. I couldn't feel anything. I felt trapped so I grabbed the razor blade and cut my neck. I hurted myself thinking it was a gateway to freedom.

To not feeling trapped. To stop from feeling worthless and trapped.

I attempted to kill myself.

I held my neck and placed my hand over the healed wound.

I shook my head to remove the unwanted memories of that day.

I ignored the sharp object and changed my clothes. I laid down on my bed and cried all night.

Wednesday, 3:30 pm

I saw Elvia approach me and I immediately smiled. "Hey, baby." I kissed her cheek.

She gave me a small smile today which made me overthink. "Can we talk somewhere private?" We were at the university halls. I nodded and followed her.

Please don't break up with me.

I inhaled sharply as we arrived at a secluded place. "We should break up, Aisha." She started.

My hopes were shattered as I heard her say that. I couldn't bear to see this day come so soon.

"W-what...n-no." I shook my head. "Don't leave me please." I pleaded weakily. "Why now?" I asked as I started at her eyes that once shined bright whenever I'm with her.

It was pitch black now like we were strangers again.

"Aisha, I don't want you to suffer anymore." She said. "Don't call me that." I started to shed tears.

Elvia looked at me with...sympathy. She started at me with sympathy and not regret.

"I'm going to suffer more if you leave me." I whispered weakily. "Don't you give me up, please!" I begged.

She was about to leave but I held onto her hand as a last resort. She turned back and looked at me softly.

"I love you, Aisha." Elvia whispered. She removed my hand and left me.

I crouched and cried. "That was messed up to say before leaving." I mumbled.

So that was it. My love for her was strong and I thought she loved me the same too.

I guess I was wrong.

"Aisha!" Eden and Jaylee consoled me as I cried at Elvia's depart. "She said I love you before leaving." I mumbled.

She shouldn't say that before leaving.

I was filled with anguish and emptiness as my love left me.

Why does the good people leave while the bad people stay? I asked myself.

Author note:
2 chapters today because I love you 😊

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