11: Jealousy ❣

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Aisha's pov 🌺
Saturday, 11:30 am

"Hmm~" I hummed as I continued to write in my stupid notebook. I'm doing my homework this weekend since I have nothing better to do.

After two hours of pure agony, I finally finished my homework. I stretched my bones since it was starting to cramp.

Somebody I F*cked Once - Zolita

"This is a good song!" I said. I listened to the melodic music and started cleaning my room.

If it were up to me ~

I'd be calling you mine already ~

But I'm in bed texting girls ~

Thinking 'bout you, baby, oh no~

"PROBABLY SHOULDN'T TELL YOU THIS BUT FUCK IT! HERE'S MY CONFESSION!" I sang along, using a brush as an imaginary microphone.

I danced and sang along to the song with my pretend microphone.

Thank goodness, my parents aren't here. "I CAN SWEAR AS LOUD AS I CAN!" I shouted, relief rushing into my body including unwanted sweat.

Or you're just somebody I f*cked once ~

This song is very relatable. I'm confused about my feelings for Elvia and Elvia's feelings for me.

For me, I know it's attraction. Who wouldn't be attracted to a woman like her?

But who am I to her? Does she consider me as her friend? I mean we've seen each other in lingerie, I stayed at her house, she took care of me during those days, I got her a matching ring so we could match, and so much more has happened.

I need verbal confirmation if I'm really her friend, so I wouldn't overthink that much. I should drive to her place right now. Wouldn't that be weird? Just randomly popping up to a most likely friend's place is a bit weird.

I mean we kind of still strangers. That's what friends do drive to your friend's place unexpectedly. But what if she doesn't see you as a friend and just a stranger to fuck?


My thoughts are slowly pulling me into a neverending negative view.

I grabbed the keys to drive to Elvia's place.

You know what, I'm gonna text her.

Eli 💀

Me: hey I'm driving to your place right now!

Me: just a heads up :)

Ok, I think we're set.


I was at Elvia's doorstep contemplating whether I should knock.

It's too late you already texted her that you'll be here.

My right hand formed into a fist and my knuckles hit the wooden door. I repeated a few times until someone opened the door.

"Elvia, I have a-" When I thought it was Elvia who answered I am completely wrong. It was a brunette woman wearing a fuzzy white robe with hickeys all over her neck and collarbone.

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