12: Romeo & Juliet

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Elvia's pov 🌙
Sunday, 7:30 am

"Ok...see you," I said before ending the call. I fixed my jacket and sat down on my couch. I waited for my parents to pick me up.

I heard a knock on the door and I walked over to answer it. I saw my two lovely mothers. "Hi, moms." I was pulled into a warm embrace by my mami, Natasha.

Mami wore a beige shirt that was made out of thin material making her black tube top visible along with matching beige pants with a black Chanel belt.

Mama wore a black suit, looking as intimidating as usual. My mama and I have the same taste in clothing.

Black and dull colors everything, with a bit of white, red, and on rare occasions light blue.

I wore a jacket underneath a similar black tube top like my mami's, and black pants with black combat boots.

"Hey, ducklings!" I greeted as I went to the back. "Hey, Ms. Loverman!" Brooklyn said. I sat beside her since she was in the middle and Elizabeth was on the opposite side.

I'm the oldest among them yet Elizabeth is the most mature out of the three of us.

"What?" I questioned. "There are articles about you with the mayor's daughter!" Technically, Aisha's father isn't mayor we just call him that since he owns the whole city.

"What?!" Shit, I forgot about that. "Read us one of the articles," Elizabeth said. "Mkay...' Aisha Windsor was seen at Estelle Elvia Belladonna's house!'" Brooklyn read.

I snatched the phone from Brook's hand to check. It showed a photo of Aisha at my front door from yesterday. Crap.

Damn, paparazzi.

What will Aisha say about this? Does she know? Will she be mad at me?

"Ok, enough with the gossiping kids, we're here," Mami said. We were at a museum. Not the museums that we own it was different. It's a museum about the Greeks.

We entered the museum and we were immediately greeted with special and priceless artifacts.

"Hey look, King Triton!" Elizabeth said, grabbing our attention. It was a statue of the god of the sea. "That's Poseidon in Greek."


"I've always wanted to hold a spear," Brooklyn commented. We were looking at a spear owned by Ares. "Look at the vase."

"It's got a goat...prego lady, farmer, cow. Wow, the Greeks are so artistic." Brooklyn said. I don't even think that was sarcasm but pure amazement.

"Look, it's Herpes!" Brooklyn said, making Elizabeth and I laugh. "Baby... it's Hermes, not Herpes." Mama corrected, patting Brooklyn's back with sincerity.

"Same thing." Brooklyn shrugged. I laughed, holding onto Elizabeth's shoulder for support. "No, it is not, sweetheart," Mami muttered.

Next, we went to an arcade.

"Winner gets to buy whatever they want and the losers have to pay for it," Elizabeth explained. We challenged each other to see who can get the most tickets in under 20 minutes while our moms were buying food in the meantime.

"Gambling time, bitches." Brooklyn said, putting sunglasses on. "Have fun in the 'Sun' Brook," Elizabeth said, running to start. "I will!"

I shook my head and went to some arcade games.

After twenty minutes, I arrived at the center with a bucket of tickets. Elizabeth had also a bucket full and a few more tickets in her hand.

"Wassup, my peasants," Brooklyn called, strutting with two buckets of tickets. "What the fuck?!" Elizabeth said, stunned. "Did you bribe that woman?" I questioned. "Nope."

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