26: One More Time

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Aisha's pov 🌺
3 years later
Monday, 7:00 am

I groaned as the sunlight peeked through the blinds and shined in front of my face.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. She kissed me on my neck. "Good morning, darling." She whispered.

I chuckled. "Good morning." I kissed her lips. She smiled and snuggled even more into my neck.

We stayed like this for a while before Elianna had to stand up to get ready for work.

A lot has happened since uni. I'm a resident at my dream hospital. I have a beautiful girlfriend.

Elianna and I ended up dating a year ago. Elianna asked me out but at first I was scared, so she waited and waited. Eventually, I said yes and we've dated for a year.

Elianna sat on a stool near the counter while I cooked breakfast. I smiled, contented. "Love, my parents want to have dinner with us tonight." She said.

"That's great."

I love Elianna's parents. They're always heartwarming and welcoming. I was scared of them at first but as time went on, I was comfortable and we ended up bonding like a family.

"My mom is gonna steal you from me again." Elianna showed off her cute pout. I placed the breakfast on the counter and sat beside her.

"No, she won't."

I kissed her cheeks. "I love you," I whispered.

"I love you too."

I ended up introducing Elianna to my dad and siblings. They were incredibly nice to her. Especially my siblings, I was so scared that they were plotting something against her.

I noticed Elianna turn on the television. "Oh look at that, Estelle Elvia Belladonna will star in a new film again," Elianna said. I froze at the mention of her name.

I haven't told Elianna about my past relationship with Elvia since I was a coward but slowly, I was working on my courage to do so.

"Good for her," I muttered. I finished my food and so did Elianna. I placed the dirty dishes on the sink

"Hey, I managed to dig up so many articles, and back then...apparently Estelle used to date some rich family's daughter which caused huge rumors to go around," Elianna said.

"She also went to the university you studied in." She added. I secretly hoped that she wouldn't know it.

I was still scared to tell her.

"Why were you digging up information about Elv- erm her?" I questioned.

She shrugged. "I got bored during work."

I grabbed my bag and placed my phone inside the bag, getting ready to leave."Oh ok, I'll drive you to work?"

"Nope, I'm going to drive in my motorcycle."

I nodded and kissed her lips before leaving. "Ok, I love you, pretty."

"I love you too!"

I love Elianna. She always says the most random things at a random time. It's funny. She is thoughtful, caring, and kind. She puts a lot of effort into one thing and dedicates herself to it.


As I arrived at the hospital, I did the usual routine. Talk to the nurses, tend to the patients, and drink a lot of coffee to the point that I might pass out.

Trust me, I needed it.

I was talking to a nurse when the sound of an ambulance was heard. I rushed to the emergency room and my eyes widened.

The person on the bed lay with doctors surrounding her. I gasped.

I felt my phone vibrate from my pocket and it was a call from Elianna's mom. I answered it and I was greeted by Liane's worried voice.

"Elianna has been in an accident, Aisha. I'm rushing to the hospital." She said.

"I'm at the hospital," I muttered, staring at Elianna's injured body.

"Dr. Windsor, no time for standing around, come here and help." Dr. Sanchez said impatiently. I sighed, pulling myself together.

After a bit, Elianna was sent for surgery. I sat beside Liane, comforting her.

Please be ok.

After hours of dreadful waiting, Dr. Sanchez emerged and sighed. "I'm sorry, we weren't able to save her in time."

I gasped. "No..." I muttered.

The love of my life was gone.

As in gone.

Pure sadness hugged me like a blanket and I cried.

It was a painful thought and news.

The thought of never being able to talk to her again.

Still haunts me.

"Ms. Windsor?" A man called. I slowly turned around and saw a policeman with a tiny black box.

"I believe this is Ms. West's belongings." He said handing it to me. I hesitantly grabbed it.

I wished I hadn't grabbed it because the item containing the small box made me cry even harder.

"She was gonna propose to me." I croaked. Liana and Raphael pulled me into a hug as I sobbed uncontrollably.

Author note:
How are you? :)
I finally updated yayy 😭

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