14: Accident

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Aisha's pov 🌺
Thursday, 7:46 am

I drove to school with Elvia and we talked more about our interests. I really have gotten to know her better.

"We're here, princess," Elvia said. "Aww, I wished I could talk to you more." I pouted.

"We can still talk later, Ami." She said before placing a kiss on my right hand. "See you, Eli!" I spoke before leaving.

Ever since I asked Elvia if I was her friend three days ago, we have gotten closer to each other more.

I love her dark and sarcastic humor. I love her artistic view of the world, it's intriguing. Her favorite genre of music is indie pop and pop, though mostly indie pop.

"Ms. Windsor, pay attention!"

12:30 pm: Lunch

"She's so confusing," Lalia muttered. Lalia was talking about Ms. Romero, her art professor, and her relationship with Ms. Romero.

"I mean you should see her, she's like a goddess." Lalia described. "Describe Ms. Romero in three words," I dared and I swear to you Lalia was in some sort of trance.

Damn, I wonder what Ms. Romero did to her.

"Sexy, intelligent, goddess. Now you describe Elvia in three words." Hmm...this is hard. I put my pointer finger tapping on my chin as if I was deep in thought.

"Artistic, witty, sexy," I answered. "I have a question," Lalia said. "Go ahead," I assured.

"Why haven't you and Elvia have gone on a date with each other?" Oh...

I've considered that but I'm not sure if she wants it.

I see myself on a date with her. Her soft and light hands wrapped around my hand. Our bodies entangled with each other with passion, security, and devotion.

Us talking to each other and knowing our most intimate secrets. Knowing/talking about our flaws is the most intimate thing a person could do to their potential partner.

"I guess I'm just waiting for her," I replied. "You know... it's not always bad to make the first move." She advised.

I know that how do you think I knew her in the first place?

"Yeah, but I already made the first move. It's her turn." I said. "Like you, you need to talk to Ms. Romero! It's your turn." I added.

She sighed. "Aisha!" I heard a familiar honeyed voice.



"Hey," I said. Jewel sat beside me, holding her hands onto my arm. "Lalia...looking like a slut like always. Who are you trying to impress, whore?" Jewel said in disgust.

Why does she always go this far?

"Your mom and dad, sweetheart." Lalia joked, winking at Jewel. Luckily, Jewel just rolled her eyes. "Cat got your tongue, love?"

"How was the date~?" Jewel questioned. Not now, please. "What date?" Lalia asked.

"It was fine but I'm never going on a date with him again," I stated, preventing Jewel from telling Lalia.

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