9: Absent

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Aisha's pov 🌺
Tuesday, 8:00 am: Homeroom

I was at homeroom, barely paying attention to the teacher's reminders as I continued to search for Elvia. Elvia wasn't at homeroom today.

This got me worried so I asked the guy next to me if he has seen Estelle.

The guy replied with an "Who?"

I groaned.

Where could Elvia be? Is she secretly mad at me?

When I got back home I was immediately scolded. I didn't get an I miss you or are you ok from my parents instead I get grounded. The typical thing in my household.

I did get I miss you and Are you ok from my sister and brother including my brother's husband, Matthew. Matthew is a good guy for my brother.

My parents don't know that my brother, Anthony is married to a man. He made me swear that I won't tell obviously I didn't.

I'm sadly grounded for five days for leaving the house and it was worth it.

12:14 pm: Lunch

"I could never unsee that!" Jaylee called while I laughed my ass off. "You know there is a thing called KNOCKING!" Eden retorted which made me laugh even harder.

"It was like seeing your parents have sex when you're 5! Rhea was on all fours while you had a dildo on!"

"HAHAAA!" I laughed so hard that tears ran down my cheeks. "You don't have to give them details!" Eden replied. She was as red as a tomato.

"I thought Rhea was top I didn't expect that," I added. "You fucked me Aisha you would know I'm a switch." I drank my smoothie stopping me from laughing.

"We only fucked once, how would I know that?" I questioned. "Wanna fuck then to find out?" Eden retorted, smirking. "No thanks, I don't want your crusty ass dildo in me," I replied.

"Of course, you would want Elvia's crusty-ass dildo instead," Jaylee interjected. "Exactly." I joked.

"Kinky motherfuckers." Jaylee muttered. "Ay don't act so pure, you have a fake dick on right now." Eden joked which made me chuckle. I was gonna die from laughing.

"Bitch, you know that I'm intersex Don't act like you're clueless."

"Well, you didn't argue about not being pure."

"I'm hanging out with you guys, do you think I have an ounce of purity?" Jaylee retorted. "S- she's got a point," I muttered, wiping my tears of joy.

"Oh, Vivian!" Jaylee called out a blonde woman in the middle of the canteen. "You never told us that she was hot," Eden mumbled. "Yeah, a hot-head. She has a short temper."

"Hey, before you leave, remember we're going to the mall later!" Eden reminded her before Jaylee ran after Vivian.

4:30 pm: Afterschool

We are at the mall, trying out accessories. "Ohh, Queen Elizabeth for real."

After the shenanigans, we decided to eat at the food court. Now we're just chilling with a bucket of fries and burgers.

I stared at my phone contemplating whether I should text Elvia.

Eli 💀

Eli 💀: Hey :)

Me: Hi!! Where were you? You weren't at school :<

Eli 💀: I'm sorry darling :< I'm at home I decided to skip school

Me: hahahahah it's ok ^^ remember we're filming later <3

Eli 💀: Don't worry, I remember darling ;)

Me: 💗

Eli 💀: 😘

"What are you smiling about?" Eden smirked. "Oh it's Rhea," I said, and Eden's expression immediately changed. "HAHAHA! Kidding" I winked at an embarrassed Eden.

"Probably the next time Jaylee gets traumatized is when she sees you making out with Rhea at the Garden of Eden~" I joked. "Fat chance god will let us in, I'm already going to hell anyway."

"I'm talking about your room! Not the Garden of Eden!" I said. "Should've said Room of Eden, hahaha!" Jaylee laughed. "Room of Eden sounds like a horror movie."

"I'm gonna die single," Jaylee mumbled. "Didn't you have that waitress's number?" I asked.

"..." Then it bit me like a fucking snake.

"Oh in classic Jaylee fashion. You haven't texted her and you're just creepily looking at her contacts, am I right?" Jaylee nodded. "It's normal to stare at her contacts for a long time. Today, you're going to text her." I stated.

"Like now?" Jaylee questioned. "Yes, now." I replied. Jaylee grabbed her phone to pull her contact up. "What's her name?" Eden asked. "Mary Gold."

"Ooo~ that's a nice name."

"Just start off with a simple hi then followed by how are you and flirt. Remember to flirt. We know that you're good at flirting. Use it." Eden coached. "Don't overthink it." I reminded Jaylee. She clicked on the bubble and typed Hi.

The woman immediately responded. We patted Jaylee on the shoulder and gave her a high five. We continued on eating and drove to the place where we'll be filming for today. We're halfway done with the project, and I would say it's going great.

I'm excited for the final product.

Author note:
I hope you enjoyed!

I'm procrastinating so you get a chapter today :)

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