21: Birthday

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Aisha's pov 🌺
2 months later...
Friday, 8:30 am

Today was my birthday!

I woke up happy since it was my birthday.

I entered the university with a giddy smile. I'm 21 years old! "Hey, happy birthday!" Eden and Jaylee ran up to me. They pulled me into a soft and warm hug.

"We love you, boo! Happy birthday." I chuckled. "Thank you." We were just chatting and laughing when Elvia approached us with a bouquet of my favorite flowers in her hand.

"Happy birthday, princess." She kissed my cheek which earned Oohs~ from my best friends. She handed me the bouquet and I gladly accepted it.

It was marigolds and they smelled fresh. "Thank you, love." I stood on my tippy toes and kissed her forehead.

Elvia and I agreed to keep minimal physical affection when in public places since I was not ready to tell my parents yet.

I grabbed Elvia's wrist and went to a small closet. Elvia told me that she has a surprise for me in store later and I was curious what it was.

As if she read my mind.

"Princess...I know that look. I'm not going to tell you. You just have to wait after your birthday bash." She responded. I crossed my arms and pouted.

My parents hosted a birthday bash for my birthday since it's their "tradition". My parents always use Scarlette and I's birthday as an excuse to suck up on rich people's asses.

"Hint?" I requested but she shook her head no.

"Let's go, princess. We have classes." She kissed my lips and left the closet. I followed right after her.

6:00 pm

I entered the mansion and my mom immediately escorted me to my hairstylist and dress. I put on the white silk dress. It covered my knees and went above my ankles. It had a small slit showcasing a bit of my leg

I wore white heels to bring the outfit all together.

The hairstylist styled my hair into a bun. Another stylist did my light makeup.

I stared at myself onto the mirror and noticed that my tattoo on the back was visible. My eyes widened and ran to the stylist in a panic.

"Hey, Ophelia? Can you hide my tattoos please?" I requested. "Sure, Ms. Windsor." She came back and sat me down. "You can call me Aisha, no need for formalities." I smiled.

Ophelia did her job and hid my tattoo. I sighed in relief. I took a photo of myself and sent it to the group.

Fruity Skittles🌈💙🤍💜

low-budget Cinderella👸: Damn 😍🌹

jElO_🍑: Beautiful ☺️💕

low-budget Cinderella👸: pls accept my love 😫💖💖

Me: Hehe🤭💗

low-budget Cinderella👸: I can do better than her😭

jElO_🍑: Ok calm down Romeo 😑

jElO_🍑: but seriously you look so gorgeous 😄💗

Me: awww thanks 😽💕

"Ms. Windsor, we have to go." My bodyguard said. I closed my phone and placed it in my purse. "Ok."

I was escorted out of the mansion and to a limo. I was with my little sister, Scarlette, my older brother, Anthony, and his husband, Alexander.

"Hey, guys." I greeted as I entered the limo. "Happy birthday!" They shouted. I giggled and thank them.

8:00 pm

We exit the car and we were immediately met by the paparazzi.

The party was going well. I saw Elvia earlier and we talked for a bit before I had to go mingle with other people.

Eden and Jaylee was here too but they were mingling with other people since their parents said so.

"How old are you now, Aisha?" Mrs. Pierce asked. "I am 21 now, Mrs. Pierce," I replied. "Aisha, sweetie meet Mr. Salazar and Mrs. Salazar's youngest daughter Paige Heart Salzar." My mother introduced me to a short-haired brunette.

"Hi, I'm Aisha." I introduced. "Uh...I'm sorry. My social battery is dead." She chuckled, itching the back of her neck. "No don't worry, it's honestly relatable," I reassured.

Paige and I ended up laughing about social interactions and social battery.

"Aisha, look. Your uncle, Sean." My mother was about to lead my uncle to me and I said goodbye to Paige. I ran to find Elvia.

"Via!" I said as I saw her interacting with some gentlemen. "Sorry, may she be excused?" I grabbed her wrist and pulled her outside.

"What is it princess?" She asked with a worried expression. "My uncle is here." I said. The paparazzi saw us and ran to us.

We started running to her car.

I sighed in relief as we entered the car.

"Ugh, those people won't leave us alone." Elvia said. "Are you ok, princess?" She asked and placed her hand on my cheek.

I smiled to reassure her. "I just wanna get out of here." I requested. She nodded and started to drive. "Where do you wanna go?" She questioned.

"Hmm, Mcdonalds!" I replied. She chuckled and drove to Mcdonald's. She put on Spotify and "girls" by girl in red started playing.

I hummed to the song. "I should be into this guy but it's just a waste of time~" I sang along. Elvia also started to sing along.

I tangled my hand with hers and she held it tightly.

I smiled and I immediately knew I was home.

Author note:
Fluff 🥰
Sadly, The Path of Desire is almost coming to an end. But fortunately, I have a new story that I'm working on. I'm very excited to show you guys ^^

Pls I want some feedback about my story 😭

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