7: Nightmare ❣

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Aisha's pov 🌺
3:02 am
(Warning: this mentions sexual assault.)

"Hello, my sweet Aisha." Fuck no. No, no, no, not him. I saw his tall figure, approaching me. No! Help!! I whimpered. "Why are you running away? I just want to help you." He roughly grabbed my arm pulling me closer to him. "AAHHH!" I screamed as loud as I can.

He started removing my shirt...

No, this is just a nightmare! I have to get out.


I gasped. I felt sweat drip down from my forehead. I got up to see Elvia. I need someone right now. I opened the door to her room and I saw a lamp open.

She's awake.

"Aisha?" An angelic figure stood up. I nestled closer to Elvia in the form of an embrace. She wrapped her warm arms around my waist. "Are you ok? What happened?"

"I'm not ok. I don't want to talk about it now. I just want someone to hold me." I whispered. We laid down on the bed with me straddling her lap, hugging her like a koala.

"What are you reading?" I asked. "Oh, forbidden romance."

"Can you read it out loud?" I requested. "Sure, princess." She chuckled.

"'If it's a sure thing, then why didn't you take it?" she asked me. 'I'm too old, Celia. But thank you for that.' Celia smiled, and I realized I'd play right into her hands. That's when I started to take a liking to Celia St. James..." She read. I hummed in contentment.

"I'm sorry for interrupting you," I muttered. "I don't mind, darling." She continued reading and I eventually fell asleep listening to her poetic and gentle voice.

6:30 am

I shifted, trying to get myself more comfortable. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me tightly but not enough to squeeze me. I jolted up which caught the person beside me's attention.

Oh shit.

I slowly got up but stopped and I was pulled back down. "Good morning." She whispered. I felt her hot breath on my neck. I bit the bottom of my lip, refraining to smile. "Morning, Eli."

That night, I felt disgusted and weak. I couldn't believe I let him touch me. I didn't like his touch on me. I wanted to wash his touch off me. His perverted smile and his disgusting hand on my thigh.

I felt helpless but when it was Elvia opened the door instead of him, I felt the instant relief and worry wash away.

"Hey..." Her sweet soft tantalizing voice pulled me away from him and my suffocating thoughts.

I turned around so I could see her beautiful face. Our lips just inched closer to kissing. Her eyes remained on my lips as mine stayed to look at her stunning raven eyes.

We inched closer and closer until her divine lips touched mine. I heard her release a light sigh. She let me take control. My arms snaked around her petite waist.

I almost took control but she pulled away from the kiss to pin me onto the bed with her swift, strong arms. I giggled which made me bite the bottom of my lips.

She pulled me into a passionate kiss. Her tongue licked my lips as a silent plea. I opened my mouth and our tongues fought for domination. She removed her lips from mine almost earning a whimper from the loss of her cherry lips.

She explored every inch of my skin, lifting the sweater I wore. She touched my skin with her hands and her lips with security and passion. She was moving in a very slow manner, and right now I don't want that.

"Stop teasing...please." I breathed out. "As you wish, princess." Her hands quickly removed my shorts along with my underwear, leaving me naked under her lustful gaze.

She inserted her middle finger inside of me, eliciting a moan from me. "Oh...just like that, cherie~" I gripped onto her shoulders, gripping it harder every time as I felt her go faster.

Her other hand held me in place as I felt her put her ring finger in me. "Merde!" I swore. She inserted her fingers again and again going faster every time.

The sound of her fingers slapping onto my heat and my moans, whimpers, her groans echoed throughout the room.

"You look so hot, right now, under my control." I panted, as I felt my climax. My back left the bed, arching. My head hit the headboard, my hands tightly holding onto the mattress as if my life depended on it.

"Ahhh~" I moaned. "Elvia...fuck." My mouth threw wide open and tears surface in my eyes as a sign of pleasure, feeling my climax.

She continued inserting her fingers and eventually slowed down as I rode high. She took her fingers off me, kissing my lips. I watch her lick the liquid off her long fingers.

She smirked. "Princess, you taste so good." She whispered in my ear. I whimpered. "Really?" I asked, still trying to get my regular breathing back. "Hmmh, of course. Now let's go get an actual breakfast."

Damn, that was hot.

I stood up, my legs slightly shaking.

The disappointing thing is...I didn't get to pleasure her like she did to me.

Author note:
Aisha really said she wants to fuck Elvia and actually did. Consider her wish granted ☺️
Yupp, I decided to sneak in Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo 😄❤️

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