17: Date

513 11 4

Aisha's pov 🌺
Saturday, 8:45 am

I entered Brooklyn's room with a box of donuts in my hands. I saw Elvia talking to Brooklyn. They were smiling and laughing. It was a cute sight

"Hey, I brought donuts!" I smiled. "Sweet!" Brooklyn said, sitting up. I walked towards them and gave it to Brooklyn. I grabbed one of the chocolate-sprinkled donuts.

"I didn't forget about you, here I got your favorite, chérie." I gave the donut to Elvia and her face lit up in joy.

"Thank you, tesoro."

"Wait...tesoro? cherie?" Brooklyn asked, dumbfounded. "It's chérie." I corrected. "Via is she really your girlfriend? If not, why isn't she your girlfriend?!" Brooklyn said making me blush.

I should ask Elvia out. Today. Yeah, today. I'm asking her out on a date today!

I noticed Elvia scratched the back of her neck. "We aren't, yet." I winked. Elvia was stunned. "Haha, you're sly I like you already."

"I like you too." I smiled. "Hey, what about me?" Elvia pouted. "Shh, I'm bonding with my new bestie." I wrapped my arms around Brooklyn's and we continued teasing Elvia.

"I can't believe you haven't asked her out yet, sis," Brooklyn said making me chuckle. "Don't beat your sister up like that. She's just taking her time." I teased, diverting my gaze to Elvia.

"I can't believe you two are ganging up on me."

We heard a knock on the door and a young brunette woman entered the room. "Erm, I'm here for Brooklyn?" The woman spoke.

"Audrey!" Brooklyn's eyes immediately sparked with excitement. "We'll leave the both of you alone." I grabbed Elvia's arm and we went to the hospital cafeteria.

"Hospital food taste so bland," Elvia said. "Agreed." We walked around the hospital cafeteria. I was looking for water and Elvia just ranted about hospital food.

Not that I mind. I love hearing her voice.

Should I ask her now? I thought.

Is it going to be weird if I ask her out in a hospital?

Oh, what if she says no?

I can't go back to this hospital because I will remember this day. The day I got rejected.

Oh god...

Ok, I'm going to ask her now...I can do this.

"Hey, Eli..." I called grabbing her attention. "Yes, Ami?" I fidgeted with my fingers. "Do you wanna go out on a date with me?" I asked.

Her eyes widened with shock. Oh crap.

"Yes, Ami." She answered. Did she say yes? Am I hearing that correctly?


She said yes!!!

"G- great, I will text you the details," I said, trying to keep it excited. "I'm looking forward to it, princess." She winked. I blushed, looking away.

11:30 pm

I was in my bedroom looking for date ideas on Pinterest. I thought of Elvia's interests. Which are art, museums, chess, piano, and archery.

Ooh! I could bring her to an archery place.

"Oo~ are you looking for date ideas? Did you finally ask Elvia out?" A voice behind me said. I jumped. "Jesus Scarlette knock next time," I warned.

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