28: Unfortunate

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Aisha's pov 🌺
11 months later...
Friday, 9:00 pm

I groaned as I took off my surgical gloves and leaned on the counter. "Rough day?" A nurse named Rebecca asked.

"Tell me about it," I muttered, rolling my eyes. I grabbed my compact mirror from my pocket.

I saw my reflection and eye bags were starting to form again.

"Concealer?" I guess Rebecca took the hint when I sighed loudly. She tried to hand me concealer but I denied it.

"No thanks, What is the point of wearing concealer at a hospital as a resident doctor?" I said, making Rebecca chuckle.

"To look pretty?" Rebecca replied. I laughed softly.

"We're in a hospital, Rebecca." I added.

She hummed. "Well, you'll never know." She winked.

I chuckled.

We sat down in silence, savoring our needed peace and quiet.

It's been 11 months since Elianna passed away. At first, I didn't take it well. I would show up for work and when my colleagues would ask how I was doing, I would say I'm fine as if nothing ever happened.

I was in denial for the first month until Jaylee and Eden convinced me to go to a therapist.

So I did because best friends know best.

As time went on, I still couldn't process the fact that my girlfriend was gone as in...I would never see her again.

I can't admire her gorgeous smile ever again or accidentally gaze into her raven eyes and get lost in them.

Her warm touch. Golden personality. She is a precious and an important woman to me.

I'll never forget the way she manages to be always there for me. She always understood me.

I thank her so much for that

My heart will always be for her. I will always love her and appreciate her.

I still kept the ring.

I wear it as a necklace. The ring resembled her.

It was a gold ring with a diamond in the middle.

I played with the ring as I smiled lovingly.

"Dr. Windsor?" Rebecca called out pulling me away from my string of thoughts.

"Hm? Yes?" I replied, glancing at her.

She grinned before chuckling. "Thought I lost you there." I chuckled, scratching the back of my neck.

"Sorry I-" I was cut off by the loud sirens of an ambulance. I immediately ran to the emergency room. There were already doctors and nurses when I arrived.

"What is it?" I asked one of the doctors. There were three people bloodied and injured.

"Car accident. One woman and two men." The doctor replied. I nodded and approached one of them.

"Dr. Windsor!" Dr. Sanchez called out. I ran to him and saw that he was helping the unconscious woman.

(A/N: *Disclaimer! Im not sure if any of these are true and I apologize if it's wrong*)

"Yes, Dr. Sanchez?" I said.

The woman was lying unconscious in bed. Her body was filled with so many injuries and blood.

My eyebrows furrowed as I examined the woman.

Dr. Sanchez groaned. "We need to bring her to surgery, stat." He stated.

I nodded and the nurses helped him transfer the woman to the operating room.

I changed into scrubs and put on the gloves.

We entered the room and I sighed.

"There's glass everywhere you look in her body. We need to take them out carefully before we stitch them, okay?" Dr. Sanchez stated.

"Windsor, take the arms. Make sure the glass won't pierce any veins, got it?" I nodded.

I started removing the glass shards on the left arm carefully and did the same to the other. My eyes widened.

"Dr. Sanchez...there's a bullet in her right arm!" I exclaimed. As he heard that Dr. Sanchez stopped what he was doing and walked to where I was.

"Take the bullet out." He said.

A few hours later, we were done. It went fine. We left the operating room and I sighed. "Brief the parents about what happened, Windsor." I nodded.

Internally, I groaned. I hate doing that. It's always so uncomfortable.

I smiled approaching Mrs. and Mrs. Belladonna.

Their eyes widened as they saw me. "Aisha?" Mrs. A Belladonna asked. 

"Hi, Mrs. Belladonna. We meet again though it's unfortunate that we had to meet in terrible circumstances like this." I said.

Natasha smiled softly. "Yes, is our Elvia ok?" She asked.

I sighed and told them everything about Elvia's current state.

Eventually after I told them everything, I led them to Elvia's room. I left to give them space.

I hummed. I felt a hand pat my shoulder. "Go home, Windsor." Dr. Sanchez said.

I went home, sitting down on my bed with so many questions and doubts.

Let's just say I didn't get much sleep.

Author note:
Hiiiii, I finally got another update out ^^
Sad to say that this story is closing to its end. Three more chapters left 😭😥

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