27: Tragedy

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Elvia's pov 🌙
Friday, 5:30 pm

After I broke up with Aisha. I made myself think it was for the best. I though I did it for the best but I frown everytime I saw her happy state.

I've dated Aisha for almost a year and I knew that was fake.

I couldn't stand looking at her again.

So I left the city to move forward. I couldn't live there anymore knowing I stupidly lost and hurt the woman I love.

The thought of Aisha crying all night alone haunted me. I had multiple sleepless nights to the point I got diagnosed with insomnia.

I smoked nonstop.

To say that I was 'moving on' was a complete lie.

I cut off Lalia and Rhea. Since they were persistent in knowing where I was but I closed myself off to everyone including my family.

I needed to be alone.

One night, my sister, Elizabeth visited me. She saw that I was on the couch crying while smoking. She gently told me to move on, get up, and create new memories.

I was filled with guilt and shame that Elizabeth had to see me like that. I visited my family which I haven't seen a while since I left the city.

I realized that I made my whole family worry and I felt bad so I got up and took over my family's museum as the director.

I was the director and decided to become an actress. It wasn't easy at first.

I mean people already know me as the eldest daughter of the Belladonna.

Many people offered me huge acting jobs but I declined all of them. I wanted to start small. I was background characters and slowly made myself up the top.

I tried talking to Lalia and Rhea again but they refused to talk to me. I felt stupid. I was persistent on talking to them. They just didn't budge so I let them be.

I was getting ready for a party. My make up artist was helping me with my face. Eventually after that, I waited for my manager.

I was scrolling through social media when I came across an article. I frowned.

"Estelle!" My manager, Kim entered the room. I sighed and turned around to look at her.

"Hey, have you seen this article?" I immediately asked.

"Hm?" Kim looked at my phone that contained the article, curiously. After a few seconds, she nodded.

"Of course, it's everywhere. 'Elianna West passed away in a car accident.' Or 'Aisha Windsor devasted losing her beloved girlfriend in a car accident.' Poor girl." Kim said.

I frowned. "Poor Aisha. She must be going through a lot now." I muttered. Kim placed her hand on my shoulder and consoled me.

"Let's get you ready, ok?" She softly said.

I nodded.

Kim knows everything. Kim comforted me about it. It felt nice finally having a dear friend after letting down Lalia and Rhea.

We arrived at the party. I walked around, mingling with other people until it got boring so I left.

I discretly left the party, bidding farewell to the host. I approached my driver. "Get me out of here." I told him.

He nodded. I sighed, entering the back. I scrolled through social media per usual.

I heard a loud horn. I groaned and looked up. My eyes widened as the truck quickly approached the car seeming like it won't stop.

"MOVE!" I yelled to my driver but it was too late.

Author note:
I luv u guys 💖

Sorry that my updates aren't as frequent as before. You know life, school, and other shit has been occupying my time.

I'll try to update twice on Sunday :)

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