29: Dr. Windsor

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Aisha's pov 🌺
Saturday, 8:00 am

I sadly had a shift and was tasked to watch over Elvia since she was my patient.

It was technically Dr. Sanchez's but he was "busy".

Like I'm not?

I entered her room. I glanced quickly at her unconscious state but quickly removed my gaze from her after a minute.

I couldn't stand looking at her after all these years.

I was checking her vitals when I heard shuffling. I gazed over at her and noticed she was moving.

My eyes widened and I hurriedly tried to leave the room. 

"Doctor?" But she caught me. I slowly turned around. 

"Yes?" Her eyes widened as her eyes landed on my face.

She visibly gulped. "Uh, what happened?" She asked.

"Right. Urm- Hi, I'm Dr. Windsor, how are you feeling?"

She gently sat up and I immediately went to help her. I held onto her shoulders to make sure she was alright. We accidentally made eye contact, causing me to look away.

It was very awkward.

"Erm- I still have a bit of an aching pain on my left. Can you tell me what happened?" She replied.

I nodded. 

"You were in a car crash, you were badly hurt. You arrived at the hospital with glass everywhere on your body. We had to perform surgery to remove them and we discovered that you also got shot on your left shoulder." I explained. 

There was a long silence as she took the time to process the news. 

"Do you want me to tell your family that you have woken up?" 

She cleared her throat. "Yeah...but first, am I going to be fine?" She looked at me with the familiar worry in her eyes. 

"You will be fine," I assured, smiling softly. 

I left the room to call her parents and resist the shameful urge to slap her.

Elvia's pov 🌙

When Aisha told my parents to go in my room, I was immediatly smothered and slightly scolded from my mama. B

Brooklyn and Elizabeth came shortly after. 

My family were taking care of me while I waited for Aisha to come back but she never did. I frowned.

"OW!" I yelled as I felt a sharp and burning pain. It was Brooklyn poking my bullet wound through the bandages. 

"BROOKLYN!" I screamed. Her eyes widened and backed away. 

"Shit, sorry!" I groaned.

"It's okay." 

After a few more hours, I fell asleep. 

I heard weird sounds so I opened my eyes and smiled softly. 

There she was.

"Hey..." I called out. 

She turned around and memories flooded my head. 

My blonde and blue-eyed woman, Aisha

"Hi." She muttered. 

I was speechless. I couldn't gather up the courage to talk. She was in front of me again after all these years.


"What is it? Is there something on my face? Is it my huge eye bags?" She asked, snapping away my thoughts.

"Huh? What no. Its just...been a while." I mumbled.

She let out a melodious chuckle. "It has been."

"How are you?" I questioned.

"Well." She shortly responded. 

"Are you busy? Can you spare me some time?" I requested. I was desperate to talk to her.

She stayed silent and thought about it for about before slowly nodding. I could tell she was hesitant.

"Yeah...I can spare you some time." She grabbed a stool and sat in front of me.

"If you have any questions, I will answer them honestly...so do you have any questions?" I hesitantly asked. 

"Lots." She joked...I think because she laughed after which made me laugh too.

"Okay then, what are they?"

"How have you been after all these years?" My eyes widened. I was expecting her to ask why did I break up with her or something between that line.

"Good. I had some ups and downs." I responded.

She sighed, crossing her arms. "What were you doing before you started acting and after you broke up with me because it felt like you disappeared." She asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why would you ask that?" 

"I thought you would answer my questions?" She retorted. Same old Aisha.

"Fine. I was..." I sighed.

"After I broke up with you and left, I moved to another city for a fresh start. I didn't get it because I started smoking nonstop because of that, I couldn't sleep well due to smoking and was diagnosed with insomia. I was not ok to say the least. I was lost. If it wasn't for Elizabeth I dont know what would've happened to me." I shuddered.

Aisha placed her hand on my shoulder to console me.

"Are you still smoking?" She asked with a concerned look on her face.

I hesistantly nodded. "J-just like 1 cigarette per week..." Aisha sighed.

"I told you to take care of yourself, Eli." 

I pouted. "I know...I'm sorry."

"From now on, you will stop smoking as long as I'm staying." My eyes widened.

Did she...?

I felt tears on my cheeks. I was crying.

"Eli?" She pulled me into a hug as I continued to cry.

Author note:

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