4: Discomfort & Comfort

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Aisha's pov 🌺
Friday, 9:00 pm

(**Sexual Assault**
If you are uncomfortable or sensitive to this topic, please scroll down.)

I skipped school today because my uncle is here. His name is Shaun Windsor. I barely know him but he gives great gifts.

Today, he got me a lavender-scented shampoo and a candle.

We were at an expensive restaurant for dinner. Anthony and Scarlette sat next to each other, my parents were beside each other, and Uncle Shaun was beside me.

I didn't mind. We were just talking until I felt Uncle Shaun's hand on my thigh. At first, I didn't care but he started to caress it and I started to feel uncomfortable.

I wore a dress that's why he had easy access to my thigh.

I tried pulling my thigh away from him but his grip was too strong. He continued to caress me going further and further. I started to feel uneasy, suffocated, and scared.

I didn't do anything because I didn't want any drama to start and he would just lie and my parents would believe him instead of their own daughter.

He was so close to my body that it horribly increased my heartbeat and I started to feel the environment slowly closing up on me. I stood up, alerting everybody. "I- I have to go to the bathroom." I managed to say.

I ran to the bathroom, hoping that Uncle Shaun didn't follow me. I locked the door and contacted my best friends.

I tried to calm my breathing but every time I would feel the environment being hostile and unsafe. Like if I leave this room I would probably get hurt and no one would be here to save me.

I shook my hands, trying to somehow calm myself. I placed around the bathroom as tears surfaced. I heard a knock on the door and I kneeled with my knees close to my chest, praying it wasn't him.

Am I overreacting?

"Hello?" Instead of hearing the assertive voice of the man, I heard a soft-spoken feminine voice. I fixed myself, trying to look as fine as possible. I unlocked the door and I was met with a black and blonde-haired woman.

I felt a sigh of relief escaped my mouth.

"Aisha? Are you ok?" Elvia walked forward but I walked away. "Aisha..." She slowly brought her hand to my cheeks and I tried not to flinch.

"Were you crying?" She touched one of my dried tears. "N- n-o. Yeah..." She tried to pull me into an embrace but I flinched. "I- I'm sorry."

"Is it ok if I take you out of here?" She requested. I nodded. Please.

She grabbed my wrist and excused herself from her family. I felt bad for ruining her family dinner. We got into her car. "It's ok, I'm here. I'm not going to hurt you. Princess, it's me Elvia." I composed myself and retorted, "I know who you are Elvia."

"Do...do you want to talk about it?" Elvia asked a bit hesitant. "I'd rather not."

We sat in silence. Not saying anything to each other. "C-can w-we go to A Berry Bakery?" I requested. "Sure." I stared at Elvia's hand that was resting on top of the divider between us.

Just staring at her made me forget what just happened to me.

I saw the tattoo of leaves wrapped around her middle finger.

I wonder how her hand feels against mine?

Will it be warm? Soft? Cold?

"We're here," Elvia stated, making me snap out of my thoughts. "I'm sorry it'll just be quick." I apologized. "It's ok princess, I don't mind."

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