1: Art Museum

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Aisha's pov 🌺
Sunday, 8:30 am

"Ai! Wake up!" An annoying voice shouted directly in my ear. It was my enthusiastic and loud sister, Scarlette.

"Scar, gimme a second!" I screamed. "Aisha!! Wake up, today is sister bonding day." Scarlette shook my body out of the bed.

"I'm up." I sat up and groaned. "Ok, I'll go take a bath and change. Did you already have breakfast?" I asked my 17-year-old sister.

"Nope." I lightly pinched her cheek. "Come on, Brooke. You can't go to the museum on an empty stomach. Go on and eat while I change." She chuckled and ran to the kitchen.

Well, I'm gonna change.


I successfully changed into a nice outfit. Brooke and I were going to her favorite museum. She showed me her favorite pieces.

If it isn't obvious, Brooke loves art, and today is the day I get to hang out with my lovely sister and learn more about her passion and interests.

We usually have sister bonding days on Sundays. It is the day when we bond as sisters and talk about our days.

We arrived at the museum. The inside was pretty. Some of the ceilings were painted with majestic deities.

We were walking until I saw a painting that caught my eye. It was a painting of a woman. She looked exhausted and it felt like the pond was a comfort to her.

Exhausted from all the acts, always being kept in a box, and society having high expectations of you. It is honestly tiring.

The pond resembles comfort to the woman. I have yet to find my pond to comfort and reassure me.

I saw Brooke looking at a sculpture, and a peculiar woman approached the painting I was looking at. Elvia. I waved at her, slightly hoping that she would wave back and she did. I walked up to her.

"Hey." I greeted. "Hi." She said in a calming tone like when we officially first met. "What are you doing here?" I stupidly asked. Why did I ask that? I mentally face-palmed myself.

I heard her release a soft chuckle before she replied, "I saw you look at this piece earlier so I wanted to see it."

"Oh, It is such an alluring piece," I mumbled. "Yeah..." She gazed at the painting as if dreaming it was someone. "Aisha!" Brooke called before running up to me. "Careful," I told Brooke.

Brooke knowingly smirked before she excused me from Elvia. "I'll see you tomorrow," I said to Elvia before being pulled away from her.

"Who was that gorgeous woman?" Brooke questioned. "I am assigned to act in a short romance movie with her," I replied. "Aww!" She gushed.

Monday, 9:45 am

"You stayed up all night to write the script for scene one including the whole storyline for the movie?" Rhea questioned once again. Rhea is asking Eden again about the movie and the script.

Eden was up all night writing the script. I gave her my coffee since she looked like a zombie.

Rhea stood up and hugged Eden. I knowingly smirked. Eden looked like a red strawberry. "I- it was nothing honestly-" I shot Eden a wink before getting up to go to my locker.

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