13: Blind Date

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Aisha's pov 🌺
Tuesday, 8:10 am

I rushed through the halls, accidentally hitting some people on the way.

Why am I running exactly? I am late for homeroom because I slept in accidentally.

"Sorry!" I apologized, my voice coming a bit hoarse as soon as I said that. "It's ok, Windsor. Just take a seat." Ms. Elliott said. I sighed in relief. I'm so glad that Ms. Elliott is understanding.

I sat beside Jaylee and she asked why was I late. I quickly briefed her about my morning, skipping some moments.

Jaylee looked at my outfit with a dubious look. "Isn't that Elvia's skirt?" Jaylee questioned. What?

"Yeah...how did you know that?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "We used to hook up on my first year here." She replied.


My best friend used to hook up with Elvia?

Well, I guess you do learn something new everyday.

"Oh ok," I whispered as I felt my throat start to hurt again. "But seriously what happened to your voice, Sasha?" I chuckled. "I'm surprised I managed to walk earlier morning," I remarked.

In short, I stayed up all night with Elvia at her house playing board games and drinking all night.

I never took Elvia to be a competitive type.

12:10: Lunch

I am eating with Eden and Jaylee. We are talking about random stuff but mostly movie genres. "Hey, Aisha I got you a surprise!" Jewel said as she sat down beside me.

"What is it?" I asked. Given that this is Jewel I am afraid that this is not good. "I got you a date with the captain of the football team!" Well, I guess I'm right.

"What?!" I exclaimed. "I knew you'd be excited! It's at 7:30 pm and I gave him your number." She added.


I forced myself to smile. "Wow, great," I said, trying to be as convincing as ever. "I'm going to throw a party on Friday so you guys better come, I'll send you the details." She stated.

"I mean aside from the date...a party sounds nice right?" I whispered, breaking the uncomfortable tension. Luckily, Jewel didn't hear me; she just started telling a story.

I tried my best to look interested but my eyes diverted to a certain amazing figure. I felt a smile creep up my lips as I watch Elvia.

She turned around and before I could look away she saw me. Shit. She grinned and winked. My face betrayed me and a crimson color coated my face.

4:30 pm: Afterschool

I drank my milk tea as I listened to Rhea explaining this scene. Today, we're filming at my house and I'm going to be shooting with Lalia.

Lalia as Lexi is Naomi's friend.

"Ok, positions!" Rhea called out. I sighed, getting ready.


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