30: Bonding & Realizing

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Aisha's pov 🌺
Saturday, 9:00 am

A week later, Elvia was allowed to leave the hospital but she wasn't allowed to work yet for another week.

So Elvia used it to her advantage and decided to hang out with me while I was on my day off for four days.

I fought hard for those four days.

We were just walking down the street, checking out stores. "Aww, look!" I pointed at the pink dinosaur in the store. I smiled and grabbed it.

"It's so fucking cute!" I gushed, hugging it.

Elvia suddenly grabbed the plushie and placed it in the cart. "What else, Aisha?" She grinned slyly. I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Ha! It looks just like you!" I laughed showing her a cute demon plushie. 

Elvia gasped. "I'm an angel sent from heaven, hmph." She said which made me laugh harder.


"This is you, Aisha!" She showed me a cute bunny plush. I blushed.

"Aww, now I feel bad." I said, putting the demon plushie in the cart. 

We bought a few plushies and Elvia insisted on holding the huge bag. She was stubborn. She wouldn't budge and let me hold the bag.

We were now at a bookstore, playing a game.

"Picture of Dorian Grey?" I asked. 

"Already read it. Quite enjoyable." She replied, smiling playfully. I groaned.

"I'm convinced you've read all of the books here!" I huffed. 

We continued to play until I saw a colorful book and grabbed it. "How about this...It Ends with Us by Coleen Hoover?" I smiled confidently.

She chuckled, holding up her hands. "I refuse to read that." She replied.

"I knew it!" 

I realized that Elvia's taste in books are fantasy, LGBTQIA+, and old literature. She may be an open-minded reader but not to the extent of reading dark straight romance.

"Actually, I read one of her books named November 9." She added.

"And? How was it?" I asked.

Her eyes turned emotionless and her smile turned into a traumatized-looking frown. I furrowed my eyebrows at her sudden change.

"It was so bad that I bought a ticket to Nepal and threw it in the mountain before burning it in a volcano." She said. 

"Oh...I'm sure its not that bad." I tried to grab a copy of November 9 but Elvia stopped me. 

I sighed. "I'll just listen its audio book." She grabbed my hand and led us to the cashier to pay.

"We should go to the park." I suggested. 

"Sure." She smiled and I blushed.

What??? Blush? The fuck?

We were walking in the park while talking about small things when Elvia stopped to face me.


"Yes?" I replied.

Elvia was about to say something but hesitated. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Do...do you want to give this another shot? Us?" She asked.

I've thought about it before and I knew this was bound to happen. I sighed.

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