5: Popular & Quiet

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Elvia's pov 🌙
Friday, 7:45 am

I'll sum up my morning. I woke up to see Aisha, cooking. She made waffles. They were delicious. I gave Aisha an outfit that fits her short body. It surprisingly fitted well.

She requested if she can stay at my house for two days, I didn't mind but I had to ask why. She said that she'll explain it to me after school.

I want to know why she was like that last night but I respected her and did not ask any further.

I drove to school with her. I received stares and whispers when I walked into the university with Aisha. We immediately separated to go to our best friends.

I'm now in the corridors alone while I watched Aisha talking to Jewel.

I was reading their lips since I couldn't hear them that well. My mama, Adriana thought me lip-reading so I managed to read what they were saying even if they are miles away from me.

What? I'm just being protective of my...friend from my conniving ex-girlfriend.

Jewel is saying something about letting her down. Aisha had an unreadable look on her face. "Pathetic honestly." I heard Jewel say.

It reminded me when she used to call me that.

"You're honestly pathetic!"

"I can't believe I dated you!"

"No one believes you. They think you're the bad guy." She said, chuckling.

"You're nothing without me."

The disgusted look she does when she sees me.

I was able to read Aisha's face and she looked numb, emotionless. As if... she's reliving an old memory. "I don't believe that," Jewel said.

Believe what?

I want to pull Aisha away from that situation. I want to grab her wrist and take her away from that plastic mannequin. And that's exactly what I did.

I grabbed Aisha's wrist and led her to homeroom. I held her hand to homeroom. I felt eyes stare at us. I shook it off because I don't give a shit about what those people thought.

"Elvia?" I heard Aisha say, shocked. "Are you ok?" I wiped the single tear that fell on her light cheek. "I-" Just my luck, the school bell rang.

Aisha left far away from my touch, going to the classroom. I groaned.

She's been distant since this morning. I tried to talk to her during free periods but she kept on avoiding me. I even tried texting her.

I sighed as I sat down on a chair in the cafeteria. It's 12:14 pm: lunch, but I don't feel like eating so I just sat down with my best friends.

"Hey, Elvia." Rhea greeted. I waved at both of them. Lalia seemed to be occupied by something so I didn't say anything.

"Hey~ Elvia, I heard you were holding hands with Aisha~" Rhea teased in an insinuating voice. "Is something going on between you two~?" Lalia added.

They proceeded to tease me for eight minutes while I sat unamused.

"Oh yeah? How about you Rhea? The time you got here it seems to be you're eye-fucking Eden?" I retorted.

I saw that as I entered the cafeteria, Rhea and Eden were looking at each other with desire.

She sighed and it looked like she is disappointed which immediately changed the atmosphere. "Is something going on between you two? Are you ok?" I questioned.

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