2: Tattoos

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Aisha's pov 🌺
Tuesday, 8:53 am

Today, I had a plan to convince Elvia to be friends with me. I haven't let that moment go yet. I was going to be friends with her before graduation happens and I guaranteed it.

I found Elvia alone, beside her locker with her phone in her hand. I approached her and said hi. She greeted me back with a tiny smile, and then I grabbed her wrist.

I dragged her to the women's bathroom. "Is this where you beat me up with your little minions and call me a 'whore'?" Elvia joked. I looked at her with a surprised look.

"No, I'm trying to convince you to be friends with me." I retorted. Which made her smirk, I guess her ego was fed.

"Ohh~ I'm flattered that Aisha Windsor is taking time from her day to convince me to be friends with her." She said, slowly approaching me on instinct, I backed up until we were in a stall.

Elvia locked the stall and I forgot what I was going to say. "Well? What is Aisha Windsor gonna do to become friends with me?" Elvia questioned. I want to say that she is annoying for enjoying this but I'm just lying.

Before I could say something she pushed me, making my back hit the cubical wall. "Aren't you going to charm me with your looks and status?" She said. I'm more than looks and status.

"I'm more than looks and status. I'm going to prove it to you. I bet you that you will be my friend before we graduate." I professed.

If you don't know, this is our last year before we graduate.

"Ok...you have till graduation." She said and grabbed something from her pocket. "I'll give you a headstart... here's my number. Don't make me regret giving this to you." She warned.

Elvia handed me a note with her number on it and then left me alone in the stall. I felt my lips unconsciously form a smile as my eyes examined the note.

It said:

My number: *********
Good luck ;) ♥︎

'Holy shit I just got her number.' I was internally screaming.

I fixed myself before leaving the bathroom and going to my next class.

12:45 pm

I love keeping my body healthy and P.E. is a good subject for that but I hate it when I am stuck in a room with women who are kind of half-naked, changing their clothes.

It kinda bothers me and it's uncomfortable.

I successfully changed into the P.E. uniform. I looked for the exit of the lockers and my traitor eyes accidentally glanced at Elvia.

She was in a sports bra and I guess she was looking for her p.e t-shirt since she was hastily checking her locker. I made my skulking eyes leave Elvia. I can't be distracted by her right now.

I left the changing room and I am now at the gym. I saw Couch Lyraine and other girls doing curl-ups.

"Oh, Windsor...you do 20 curl-ups each with Belladonna. You both take turns." Coach said. I looked over my shoulder and I saw Elvia.

When did she get here? Wasn't she just looking for her shirt seconds ago?

I sighed, going to a mat. "Who goes first?" I asked. "Rock, paper, scissors?" Elvia said. I bit my lip to stifle a laugh. I never knew I would hear that from Elvia.

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