24: Ignore

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Aisha's pov 🌺
1 month after the breakup...
Thursday, 7:00 am

You might expect me to be fine since it's been a month since Elvia broke up with me but you would be wrong.

Everything feels empty and shit without Elvia.

When I told my mom about it, she was overjoyed. I forced myself to look fine at school and at home.

When my siblings, Scarlette and Anthony found out they were consoling me while I cried.

It felt comforting to know I still have people who love me other than Elvia.

I sat on my bed, watching the short movie. The short movie was a success. Ms. Jameson liked it so much that she suggested Elvia and I to be actresses.

I snuggled in bed with Elvia's jacket. The jacket I stole the moment we met. I never got the chance to give it back.

I silently cried while watching the movie. "I miss her so much." I muttered.

Eden and Jaylee tried many ways to make me move on from her. They even got me a spa day which kind of worked.

I forgot about Elvia for a bit. I was happy but when I got back home I immediately felt miserable.

"I need to get Eden and Jaylee a present as a way to appreciate their efforts." I reminded myself.

Tuesday, 8:30 am

I sighed, leaning against the locker. "Hey, did you hear that Estelle graduated early?" Jewel gossiped.

I stood back up and looked at her. "Really?" I questioned. She nodded.


"But graduation isn't until two months." Eden added. I saw Elvia walking down the hall and I frowned.

"She apparently was supposed to be salutatorian." Jaylee joined in.

I sighed, frowning. Eden noticed me frowning so she said, "Oh my lovely bimbo. Come here." Eden pulled me into a hug. Jaylee also comforted me by caressing my back.

"We love you, Aisha." Jaylee mutters.

After that, we went to our classes. I sighed, thinking about Elvia. I thought I had more time to see her.

"Ms. Windsor, pay attention." I look back at the professor with Elvia still in my head.

It was lunch time. Jaylee and Eden were talking while I stare at my food. "Are you gonna eat that?" Jaylee asked.

I soughed. "This was Elvia's favorite." I mumbled.

"Babe it's time to move on. Why don't we grab drinks later?" Eden offered.

"Ok, sure." I whispered.

"What? I can't hear you." Eden said.

"Sure." I talked louder.

"Louder, more energy!" She shouted.

"SURE!" I yelled, slowly grinning.

"YEAH, THATS THE SPIRT!" Eden abruptly stood up. I laughed.

"What's going on? I can hear you from across the cafeteria." Jewel said in a rude tone, sitting beside me.

"Jewel! You're done hanging out with your plastic species?" Jaylee insulted.

Jewel rolled her eyes. "I'm sure you'd know a thing or two about plastic, pathetic bitch." Jewel spat. Eden glared at Jewel but she ignored it.

"Anyways when are you going on another date with Jax?" Jewel asked. "I told you, Jewel. I'm not interested in dating right now." I muttered.

"Come on! Jax is totally into you!" Jewel persuaded. I shook my head, no.

"You and Jax is a better match than you and Elvia!" She said.

I glared at her. "What do you mean?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"I mean first of all both of you are women gross. Also her status might tarnish yours. She's ugly too. I mean what did you see in her? I'm glad you two broke up." Jewel ranted.

I shifted uncomfortably and slammed the table with my hands, making a loud sound. "What the fuck?" Jewel said, holding her hand near her chest.

"I suggest you shut your plastic ass mouth before I make you." I threatened.

"Jeez, it's just a joke." I laughed and grabbed my shake. I poured it down her.

"Stop fucking bad mouthing people, you little, ugly bitch. I mean what does your boyfriend see in you?" I retorted.

"How dare you!" Jewel stood up drenched in milkshake.

"It's just a joke, right, Jewel?" I mocked.

"Also you might wanna check up with on your boyfriend since he is making out with Mackenzie. They are a better match anyways."

By the time I was done, Jewel ran away while Jaylee and Eden were praising me. "I'm glad, you finally stood up to that parasite!" I smirked.

I wish I've done it sooner.

After that and classes, I left the school and drove to the beach where Elvia and I had our first date.

I wore her jacket. I exited my car and admired the beach. I sat on a boulder and hummed to a song.

"Take me back to the night we met~" I quietly sang. "I had all and then most of you...Some and now none of you~"

And before I could stop it I was crying. I wiped my tears. "Haunted by the ghost of you~" I croaked.


I thought I had more time.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I had to burden you.

I miss you...

I sighed and wiped my tears off as the song ended. "At least as deep as the Pacific Ocean, I wanna be yours~" I heard someone sang and sit beside me.

"Hi." She waved at me. I waved at her back, smiling a bit.

"Are you going through a break up?" She questioned. I chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah, my girlfriend called it off." I admitted. "Oh, I'm sorry." She said. "How did you know?" I asked.

She softly laughed. "I was surfing earlier and I saw you singing and crying earlier." She smirked.

My eyes widened

I blushed. "Oh god...I'm embarrassed." I covered my face with my hands and looked down. She lightly chuckled.

"It's fine." She consoled. We stayed silent for a bit before I said, "I love your voice." I muttered. "Thanks." She smiled.

Her smile was stunning. Her cherry lips lifted up in a small inviting smile.

She had black hair with silver streaks similar to Elvia's. She had a sharp chin and light blue eyes that were contacts.

"Do you listen to Artic Monkeys?" She asked. I chuckled, nodding. "Everyday." I replied. We started talking about our fondness of Artic Monkeys and other music artists.

She eventually had to go. I sat on the boulder with a huge smile on now. "That was fun..." I muttered. "What was her name again?" I asked myself.


My eyes widened. "Shit. I didn't ask!" I groaned.

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