18: Short & Sweet

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Brooklyn's pov 🌻
Saturday, 9:40 am

After my sister and her girlfriend left, Audrey asked me if I was ok and sat beside me. "It's good and I have a cool scar now." I joked which made her laugh.

I love hearing her laugh. It's such a pleasant sound to hear. I could listen to it everyday.

I have a huge crush on my best friend Audrey and she doesn't know it...for years. I had a crush on my friend for a while now and I haven't asked her out yet.

I really like her.

My sisters always encourage me to confess and sometimes tease me about liking Audrey.

I really like her and I don't want to lose her.

We were joking and talking when Audrey turned serious.

"Seriously Brooklyn. Are you ok? How do you feel?" She asked. I let out a sigh. "Right now I feel great but it was scary. I was so scared. I didn't know what to do and I remember laying down in my pool of blood. It was terrible." I explained.

It felt good finally letting it out.

Audrey pulled me into a warm embrace which made me smile.

A prolonged silence took over.

We stared into each other's eyes and I felt Audrey lean closer, and so did I.

We kept on leaning toward each other until our lips finally touched.

Her lips tasted sweet and like honey.

Oh my god, it happened! I finally!

The kiss was short, sweet, and passionate. I stared at Audrey with wide eyes.

Oh fuck.

I kissed her! I kissed my long-time crush! Oh, how long have I wished for this? Gawd I feel like I'm a weirdo now for wishing it.

Her lips were so soft. It felt like soft wool.

"Choo choo, the gift train is stoppin' by!" A joyful and familiar voice shouted. Olivia and Harry entered the room. "Harry Styles and Olvia Newton-John!" I joked.

"In your dreams, Matilda," Harry remarked making Olivia and I laugh. I noticed Audrey has been quiet since Harry and Olivia got here.

Audrey cleared her throat and stood up. "I have to go. See you later Brooklyn." She said and smiled at the two. I nodded.

I was sad that she left but I understood.

"What happened?" Olivia asked. I slightly tilted my head, not knowing what she means. "There was a lot of tension radiating the both of you just now." Harry pointed out.

I sighed my shoulders slumping. "We kissed." I let out. Harry squealed while Olivia's eyes widened in surprise. I blushed and fidgetted with my fingers.

A habit of mine I developed when I was a kid. I do it whenever I'm nervous and sometimes flustered.

"OH MY HECK! How was it?!" Harry yelled. I was immediately bombarded with so many questions.

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