20: Girlfriend ❣

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This for all the love and support 💖

Elvia's pov 🌙
2 weeks later...
Friday, 5:31 pm: Dance Competition

"Holy crap...look!" Aisha's sister, Scarlette pointed at two empty benches. "Finally!" Eden sighed in relief.

We were finding empty benches for a while.

Let's just say we needed two benches since we were a big group. It was Eden, Rhea, Jaylee, Lalia, Scarlette, Brooklyn, Elizabeth, and I. My sisters decided to come for some reason.

We sat down. The lights were off and it was replaced by colorful flashing lights.

The first dance act started. Eventually after like 5 contestants? It was Aisha's turn and she did aerial dancing.

"WOO! GO AISHA!!" Eden shouted. Cheers and applause were heard as Aisha entered. "GO, SIS!"

She was upstage and she looked breathtaking. She wore a black long-sleeve dress. It was tight so it hugged her curvy figure. She had her light blonde hair in a ponytail.

 She had her light blonde hair in a ponytail

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The music started and she started moving. Midway through the performance and I was amazed. She was moved gracefully.

"I don't know how she does it but she is so flawless," I mumbled. "Simp!" Brooklyn shouted at me. "Fuck off." I glared at her.

I heard a group of men cheer for Aisha and I noticed one of Aisha's ex was there, Leon Clarke. He was an asshole. I saw him stare at Aisha with dilated pupils and an obvious boner.

I shot a glare and crossed my arms.

'Keep staring at her like that and I will squeeze your eyeballs out along with your penis.' I thought.

Aisha flawlessly finished her dance and winked at the audience before leaving. I blushed.

After a few more performances, it was finally time to announce the winner. "And the winner is...Aisha Windsor!" The announcer declared.

We all stood up and cheered. "FUCK YEAH!! THAT'S MY SISTER!!!" Scarlette yelled. "YEAH!! THAT'S MY SISTER'S FUTURE GIRLFRIEND!" Brooklyn teased.

"Brooklyn!" I whispered shout lightly slapping her shoulders.

Aisha received a certificate and a trophy. We ran backstage to congratulate her. I pulled her into a warm hug. "Congrats, princess!" I smiled.

"Thank you." She blushed and kissed my cheek. I kissed hers back. "Ok, it's my turn to greet my sister. Thank you." I chuckled and pulled away.

"We should get ice cream to celebrate!" Rhea declared. "Yes!" Aisha smiled.

We arrived at the ice cream parlor. I sat beside Aisha and the others took random seats. "I don't know what is good about mint-chip ice cream," Aisha stated.

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