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Dallas' POV

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"I know, man! I'm shocked, too! But I swear to God, you're on homecoming court!"

"I don't even live in New York anymore. Haven't been their in years."

"I know, I swear I'm not fucking with ya, Dallas. You and four other guys are on homecoming court for the class of '66."

No... way...

Alexa's POV

"Hey, Lex. Are we still changing practice time tonight? The football guys need the field from four to six; so, I'm thinking we need at least a good half hour to practice the half time routine outside."

I thought for a moment. "Tell the girls to be out on the field at three and we'll have practice outside for an hour. After that, we'll come inside for the next half of practice. We'll work on layout and go over it a few times for the first hour and critique it inside. I'll let coach know."

"Perfect, thanks!"

I love high school.

Everyone has always told me high school will be some of the best, but also some of the worst years of your life.

But I love everything about it.

School always came really easy to me and one thing I learned when I was younger that if you treat people with kindness, you'll get kindness in return.

The next big thing in my life right now is the homecoming game. The last one for me, to be more specific.

It's in three weeks and the cheerleaders have finally got the dance all learned.

I've been dancing since I was four and cheering since I was eleven. So it was known since I got on the team freshman year that I was gonna be captain of the team when I was a senior.

Well, senior season just started and everything is going great!

I choreographed the whole halftime dance and I just finished teaching it to the girls. Coach put me in charge of the big dance for halftime when I showed her my idea.

So with three weeks left, we've gotta practice outside on the field and critique it as much as possible.

But, we've still gotta let the boys practice too!

After all, this game means a lot to them.

I walked into sixth hour, the last hour of the day, ready to go over the dance and stunts. It's gonna be our first day on the field go practice, meaning our first day to really see it play out.

I put my books to my left and my pen to my right as I waited for Mr. Aldridge to start teaching.

"Alexa, can you come here for a moment?" Mr. Aldridge asked.

I looked over at him and walked up to his desk as people continued their chatter. "Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"Mr. Collins needs you in the office." He said quietly.

I frowned. Why would I be needed in the principals office?

"Oh! Okay..." I said awkwardly.

The bell rang as I walked out, leaving my stuff at my desk.

I walked down the hall and to the right to get to the office. "Hey, Alexa. Do you know what this is about?"

I looked to my right and saw Amelia come up behind me. "Not sure. But let me tell you, your outfit looks adorable today! You've always got the best outfits, though."

"Aww, you're the sweetest. Thank you."

"Of course."

Amelia is the one of the nicest girls here. Her face lights up whenever someone compliments her. She deserves it.

We both walked in at the same time and Noah trailed in behind us. There were eight other people in there with us.

I recognized all of them.

Amelia Turner
Delancey Roof
Corrine Caster
Yasmine Janes
Tony Rould
Noah Sanner
Dane Polis
Henry Knowles

I didn't understand what any of us have in common. I mean, Delancey and I are on the cheer team and Dane and Henry are on the football team. But I couldn't really connect anyone else.

"Do y'all know what this is for?" Tony asked.

"Beats me."


"Hello, everyone." Miss Looker said. She's our assistant principal. Mr. Collins was still at his desk. "It looks like we're missing someone. Umm... there should be ten of you. Five girls and five boys."

We all looked around and waited for her to see who we were missing. It had to have been the boys since there were five girls here.

"Oh! Dallas Winston. Has anyone seen him?"

Dallas Winston?

Man, I haven't heard that name in years.

Dallas and I have been in the same schools since I could remember. He actually sat next to me in English nine freshman year. But a few days into the year, he eventually stopped showing up. I always thought he was just ditching school a little too much, but no one's seen back. It's been three years and I haven't heard of him since.

"Dallas? He— uhh... he doesn't really show up. What's going on?" Noah asked.

"Well, I guess I'll just have to make the announcement without him. Congratulations, you guys! You are all officially on the Homecoming Court of 1965!"

I smiled and looked at Amelia, as we were both in shock. Neither of us expected us to learn this today!

"Some general rules. One, you cannot tell anyone until we announce it at the pep rally on Wednesday. And after the pep rally, on Thursday, Friday, Monday, and Tuesday, you will all have thirty minutes after school to work on your court dances. I'll assign partners after we announce you all."

"Wow. That's insane!" Noah said.

I laughed slightly. "Remember, keep it a secret! Y'all are welcome to go back to class now."

"No way!" Yasmine whisper-yelled.

"Wow! Congratulations, guys!" I said with a smile while looking at everyone.

"You too! Man, how crazy was that?" Henry said.

I giggled a bit.

We all went our separate ways back to our classes and I had to stop my smile before I walked in the room.

But as grateful as I was, some of it didn't quite add up...

But as grateful as I was, some of it didn't quite add up

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Alexa ^^

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