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Alexa's POV

I walked up to the ladies. "Hi, again! I'm afraid we don't have any live music right now but I'm gonna try my best to get some new stuff going!"

I went back to Dallas. "Get some shots ready. The fireball."

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Trust me!"

I went to the back. "Shots up front! Time for some more fun around here." I said with a grin.

I grabbed the microphone from the closet and hooked it up real quick. I started singing along.

Everyone started laughing at me. I certainly wasn't a singer. "Go get some shots! Get ready for the chorus!" I said loudly.

People rushed to the bar and I got down off the stage and turned the microphone off. Dallas was frantically trying to pour shots for everyone.

"3,2,1!" And everyone took their shots.

A loud "woo" spread across the room and everyone laughed.

"Nice job, girl." The woman said.

I laughed. People started taking more shots and shots and the place was alive!

Time went on and the more we played this station the more people joined in.

I started basically partying with the people.

Dallas' POV

I could not believe this girls influence. You put a pretty girl up front and everyone follows along.

"Hey, Dally." Someone said.

I groaned. "What do you want, Sylvia."

"I came to talk about the performance we got coming up." She said. "Do you have any ideas."

I blocked her out. Alexa looked like she was having such genuine fun. Like she was meant to be here partying with people. Everyone was having a good time and drinking along to the songs.

Sylvia looked at her and back at me. She frowned. "You really like her, don't ya."

I looked back. "What are you talkin' about?" I asked.

"I got no chance."

"You didn't have a chance to begin with."

She sighed. "I know. I thought maybe something casual. But I see the way you look at her."

Alexa came up to us. "Hey, Dal. Oh! Hi, Sylvia."

"Hey, Alexa." She said with a sigh.

"Do you wanna join in?" She asked awkwardly. Like she didn't know what to say.

"No, uhh... I'm actually heading out. Have fun, you two."

She walked out the door.

Alexa's POV

"How long has she been here?" I asked.

"Barely any time. Just stopped by to ask about next week."

"She seemed in a rush to leave."

"It doesn't matter, okay? Go do your job."

That was cold

The time went on and as it did people started to leave.

Buck came in at close. "How was it tonight?" He asked me.

"It went great! At least I think so." I said with a giggle.

"Dallas?" He asked.

"Well, sales tonight are up by 30% for an average Wednesday."

He looked at me in shock. "Shit. Alright, you're a keeper."

I jumped. "Thank you!"

"I'll see y'all later. Make sure this place is cleaned up well." Buck said to Dallas.

He closed the door and Dallas and I looked at each other. I walked behind the bar. I needed to lighten the mood. He seemed mad after Sylvia came in earlier. "I guess some entertainment goes a long way, right?"

Before I could say anything else he grabbed my face and pressed his lips on mine. It took me by surprise. I didn't even have time to react.

We finally pulled away and we both stood there looking at each other. "Dallas?" He didn't say anything. "What did Sylvia say to you?" I asked bluntly.

He sighed. "For the first time ever, she's right. She came here to try and get us together. Or I guess to convince me to let us have a casual thing going on. And she saw the way I looked at you and said she knew it wasn't gonna happen. Alexa, I like you. A lot. And I can't imagine anyone else in your place right now."

I was at such a loss for words.


"I know. You're trying to adjust. And I get that. I'll wait. I'll wait as long as you'd like. Fine. Be with me, don't be with me. But you deserve to know how I feel about you."

I still couldn't say anything. So I kissed him.

Gosh, the way his hands felt on my body and the way his lips felt on mine. It was something I've always imagined.

I pulled away. "What I said to Leo was kinda bullshit. I just couldn't stand going out with someone so cocky like that. I was never gonna go out with him and I think I'm adjusting pretty well." I smiled a bit.

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying, if there was anyone I'd want to be with... well, it'd be you."

"So...?" He continued.

"Let's make this exclusive?"

"Oh, thank God."

He pulled me in one more time and we must have been there for a good couple minutes.

"I'll finish cleaning up. Get some rest."

"You sure you don't want help?" I asked.

"Nah, I can be late to the first few classes for some sleep. I know you care about all that more than I do."

I laughed. "Alright. Good night, Dallas. I'll see you tomorrow."

I got to my room and freaked out to myself.

Did that actually just happen?

Did I get in a relationship with Dallas Winston?

I think I just did...

I wanted to scream, but I knew he'd hear me.

I went to bed with a smile plastered on my face.

Moving down here must have been the greatest decision I've made in a while.

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