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Alexa's POV

I thought a lot about what dad said on the way home. I realized that we just had different ways of coping with mom's death. He was older and therefore handled it differently. His relationship with her was different.

But he also cheated on her.

Thoughts were running through my head as I got to Bucks. I walked through the crowd of people up to Dally's room instead of mine. I knocked on the door before walking in. He was lying on his bed watching the TV.

"Hey, Alexa. How'd it go?"

I shrugged. "I got what I wanted. Well, it's not what I wanted to hear. But I know what I've been wanting to know for a while. I guess you were right. The closure was nice."

He grinned. "You gonna be okay?"

I smiled slightly. "Yeah. I'll be okay. I sat on the bed next to him. You mind if I stay here tonight? Sleep with you. I would just rather not be alone right now."

"Yeah, of course."

I laid next to him in his arms. It was silent between us for a moment. Nothing but people downstairs muffled through the walls and the TV playing in the back.

Dad may never have taught me how I should be treated or how to say 'no' when necessary.

But he taught me something.

He taught me how to be nothing like him. What not to look for.

And I know Dallas isn't anything like him.

Dallas had his rough spot. He's been through it all. But he was nothing like my dad and he wouldn't turn out like him. I just know it. It was a gut feeling, I guess. He has support and that's something my dad didn't have. He had time to grow.

I shifted more to face him. We had made eye contact for a split moment. I'm sure he could see the gears turning in my head. "Dallas..." I finally uttered.

"Yeah, Lex?"

I hesitated for a moment. "I love you."

His eyes widened as he looked down a bit. "Do you mean that?"

"Yeah. I do. I know you knew that. That I've mentioned it before. But I hope you know I'm serious about it." I started stumbling over my words so I stopped my mumbling.

I could see his brain working, trying to make sense of everything. He was tired.

Before he said anything else, he pulled me closer and kissed my forehead.

He didn't say anything for a while. I started to doze off.

"I love you, too, Alexa."

I felt myself smile a bit, but I was too tired to do anything else.

Dallas and I woke up at six in the morning when his alarm turned on. We both groaned and I turned it off. "I'm going back to bed." I said shoving myself into the blankets again.

"We've got school." He said.

"I know you don't care, and I need a day off." I said with a small laugh.

"I mean, I'm down, just makin' sure you're aware of what you said."

It wasn't long before we fell back asleep.

Dallas woke up around nine which caused me to wake up, also. We spent the rest of the day by ourselves at Bucks.

Just the two of us.

Dallas was telling me a lot about when he first came to Tulsa and I told him about life in New York, more specifically, high school.

He changed the subject. "So, can I ask why you won't forgive your dad?"

I sighed. "Lots of reasons. He was absent. I mean, did you know that after my mom died he left for eighteen months? That's a year and a half. I didn't know where he was and I was on my own. I was still a kid. And the only reason he cares now is because he doesn't have that control over me."

"You really think that's it?"

"Yeah. I do. I've always thought he was gonna turn around. And, I always kinda knew, but he cheated on my mom before she passed and she forgave him. I guess he realized I'm not as forgiving as she was. This was his last chance to get me back and forgive him. Well, he has to learn that forgiveness is optional. And I don't think he deserves it."

"Well, good for you, Lex. Don't let people walk all over you."

I smiled slightly. "It's about time I make that step."

We decided to head over to the Curtis' after school got out to see everyone. We walked inside together and everyone was there watching TV.

Steve said 'hi' and collectively everyone else did too.

Darry made us all dinner and we all sat around eating his delicious mac 'n' cheese.

Two-Bit cracked a joke and we all laughed.

I looked around.

I meant what I said to dad. I was happier here.

I don't need all that high school popularity that I had in New York, and kinda worked my way up to here.

I needed friends who cared about me like family.

Don't get me wrong, I had friends in New York. But nothing like this.

They wanted to see what's best for me. Not get involved in every aspect of my life and try and tell me what they wanted to see. Kinda like what Delancey did a lot.

These guys wanted to see me happy.

Johnny was worried when my dad came. He was trying to keep him from me and make sure I didn't have to deal with him.

Steve was quick to invite me out and talk to me when everyone had Dallas and I on their minds. When I felt alone, Steve was there to make sure I felt like a human being again.

Darrel always made sure I had food to eat. He was worried about me when I was new to town and he knew what Dallas said. But he didn't want to hurt my feelings.

Sodapop never hesitated to make sure I was doing okay. He was always there to help, like the time I needed directions and invited me inside.

Two-Bit never failed to make me smile, even if I wasn't in the mood.

Ponyboy told me what I needed to hear. Lots of people don't have the courage to do that.

And Dallas. Well, there's a lot I could say about Dallas. How he realized he was wrong about me. He turned himself around for me. It may have been subtle, but I see him progressing. He gave me advice on my dad. He did the dance with me even though he dreaded it. He dragged me out of that hell hole that I once called 'home.'

And these are all things that I would never have gotten if I stayed in New York.

I was happy.

And I had a big life ahead of me.

I could go on for hours about how these guys turned my life around.

But I'll save you the headache.

Just know, I'm okay.

I'm better than okay.

I have real friends and I'm with someone who cares about me.

Who would've thought it would be Dallas Winston, of all people, who showed me what it's like to feel loved.

The End :)

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