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Alexa's POV

I felt my heart race out of my chest as I slowly got on top of him. He put his hands around my waist and eventually started pulling my sweatshirt off my shoulder.

I heard the key hole start to make noise.

We both quickly looked over to the door and I got off of him. I fixed my shirt and we laid on the couch as Johnny unlocked the door.

"Hey, Dal." He said closing it behind him. "Oh, hi, Alexa."

"Hi, Johnny." I looked at Dallas but he was still focused on the screen. I sighed. "I better get going. See ya, Monday." I said rushing to grab my bag and leave.

I closed the door behind me and sighed. The girls were right. I guess Dallas was really only interested in one thing.

I walked home trapped in my own thoughts. I felt so stupid. I should have known. Maybe rumors can be true.

I closed the door behind me and locked it before I took a nice, hot shower.

The rest of my weekend was spent kinda on my own before I went back to school on Monday.

Delancey asked about Dallas, but all I said was that we went to dinner and watched Mickey at his place with his friend. It wasn't completely a lie, but maybe a little fib. I was too embarrassed to admit that I snapped at her, even though she was right.

I waited outside the room at 3:25 in my cheer practice clothes and Dallas came in with Johnny at 3:29.

"Alright, let's do this."

The practice was awkward. We barely exchanged any words. We just practiced.

"Alright. I'll see ya, tomorrow. I gotta get to practice."

"We still have five minutes." Dallas said.

"Well, I've got places to be. I'll see ya, tomorrow." I repeated.

I closed the door behind me and walked to the gym.

The next day was usual.


Same practice with Dallas. Barely any words and no interest in talking.

We walked out of the room and I didn't have practice tonight so I was ready to go home.

"Johnny?" Dallas asked.

"I'll see ya, tonight!" Johnny yelled from down the hallway. I couldn't help but giggle as I saw him walking with Marina.

"You got practice?" He asked.

"No, day off."

"Oh. Wanna go downtown or something?"

"No, that's okay. I should get home and do some homework."

"What homework you got?"

I was silent for a moment. "Nothing."

He sighed. "Do you wanna talk about something?"

"I don't think there's anything that we need to talk about."


"Yeah, I'll see ya tomorrow."

"No, no, no. Hold up. Stop right there. Come on. Let's get rid of this awkwardness."

"Look, I'm embarrassed. The cheerleaders saw that we were hanging out and they were all pushing about how you were only using me for one thing. And I defended you. But they were right."

"What? How on earth does that make sense?"

"What about it doesn't? I bought you food and then we were going somewhere. Only because Johnny came in it was interrupted."

"That's not how that went down. I offered to pay for my food. We had good conversation. I would never take it all the way if you felt like that. We didn't even make it off the couch."

"Yeah, I guess."

"Yeah, I'm right." He said quickly. "Don't listen to them. They don't know me. Whatever they said my body count was, it was probably wrong, also. Don't let them get to your head."

"They're my friends."

"They're high school girls."

I sighed. "Yeah, I know."

We made it out of the school and down the road. "Wanna head back to my place? Nothing's gonna happen. I'm alone tonight. We can just watch TV and hang out."

"Yeah that's fine. Or- would you actually come to my house? I got leftover pizza in the fridge."

"Sounds good to me. No parents?"

"Dad's out with his friends right now."

"Then let's get some pizza."

On the way there Dallas hinted more about his second life down south. It was crazy to me that he just ran off like that. Sometimes I wish I lived in a smaller city. But then again, I've only read about them in books. There's gotta be some major cons to that.

We walked inside and he seemed shocked that the place was all picked up. "Wow. For no one being home it's really nice in here."

"Yeah, well maybe that's what keeps it pristine." I laughed. "I'm gonna use the bathroom. Pizzas in the fridge. I'll be right back."

Dallas' POV

She closed the door and I looked around a bit. There were still family pictures everywhere. I looked at the shelf. There was a picture of her parents and her in a park. I had to say, they were an attractive family. They seem like the ones you'd see on TV.

There was a picture of her. It was maybe only taken a couple years ago. It was a real nice picture. Professional probably. She had cheer pictures framed. Her parent's wedding photos were under that.

From the looks they seem so normal.

There were guitar picks on the shelf, too. God, can this girl to everything?

I heard the toilet flush and I sat at the counter. She walked out. "Snooping around?" She asked.

"I'm just sitting here!" I said defensively.

She smiled. "You walked over by the shelf? I heard the creak in the floor. And there's no pizza out."

"Okay fine. Maybe I was looking."

She walked over to the shelf and picked up her family picture. "It's okay. Man, wasn't she pretty. My mom was the most beautiful person I knew. Inside and out. Still is." She put it down and looked at the wedding pictures. "I'm still shocked my dad has these up. Although, probably because I'd throw a fit if he took them down. I always thought there was another woman, but it never came to light."

She sighed as she looked at the guitar picks. "My mom used to use these. She was real good at it. Practiced when she was younger and carried it on when I was a kid. She was no professional, but it did make a good bed time routine."

She giggled and put them down. She kept a fake smile on her face as she walked over to the kitchen. "But, the past is in the past. Let's have some food."

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