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Dallas' POV

Ponyboy, Johnny and I walked to the drive in that night and I couldn't stop thinking about what Tony was talkin' about.

Was I really on homecoming court?

I should have asked more questions, but I wasn't up for it.

Ponyboy must have read my mind, because he started asking about it.

"So, Dal, are you actually gonna go up to New York?"

I thought for a moment. "Nah, probably not. Kinda just heat of the moment. Although, I'd love to see Alexa's face if she saw me." I laughed. "She'd probably lose her damn mind."

"Did you have a thing with her? I feel like there's a lot of hatred for just her personality." Johnny asked.

"Jesus, no. I was too young to even have a thing with anyone. I'm way too good for her, anyway."

"Yeah, your cockiness really shows it." Johnny uttered.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

"How did you even get on court? You're not that great." Johnny said.

"Wow. You are on a roll today, aren't ya?" He didn't say anything. "I mean, it wouldn't be too surprising if Tony was fucking with me. But I would be down to go back up eventually. See everyone and do a look around."

"I think you should go. If you really are on court and you wanna get back at that chick, it would be a good moment. Some people deserve it." Ponyboy said.

I didn't say anything. "I mean, are we sure she's even on it? You're just assuming." Johnny said.

"It's a pretty accurate assumption."

"But a lot can change in three years. I mean, a lot can change in a week, to be honest." He continued.

"I've known her since I was three and nothing has changed. And can you imagine the look on her face if I even showed up? She'd freak!"

"I mean, if you say so."

"I do say so." I paused. "Y'all can head on over without me. I'm heading to the train station."

"Really?" Ponyboy asked.

"Yup. There's no better time."

"I'll come with ya, I guess."

"Me too." Ponyboy said.

We all changed our route to the train station and I walked up to the ticket booth. "Hello, how can I help you guys?"

"I need a train ticket to New York City. One way." 

She looked in her book. "The fastest way to get there is to get on the train now to Missouri, get on the 4-6D train, and be there Wednesday afternoon."

"I'll take it."

"I'll come, too." Johnny said.

"Really? You wanna come to New York?" I asked with skepticism.

"I'm gonna get bored here." He said casually.

"Alright. Two, then."

She did her work and handed us the tickets. "Wait, what am I supposed to do?" Ponyboy asked.

"Come with us." I said dumbly.

"Can't. Darry'll kill me."

"We'll be back soon. I don't think I can even stand staying up there for too long, anyway."

"Well, shoot. I guess I'll head home. Maybe take Soda to the drive in. I doubt he'd be down for that, though. Have fun, you guys. Good luck, Dal."

"See ya." Johnny said as he walked away.

We boarded the train and I somewhat regretted the decision.

Too late now.

New York City...

Get ready.

Alexa's POV

It was tough keeping this big secret from my friends. I wanted to tell them every bit of what's going on, but for starters I'm not allowed to tell anyone about the court and nobody really knows how I feel about my dad, so they probably wouldn't understand the excitement to the extent most did.

Finally, Wednesday went by and then it was finally time for the pep rally!

I walked in with Charlotte and Melanie to our normal spot on the bleachers and I could barely contain my excitement.

They're gonna be so excited!

"Hello, everyone!" Mr. Collins said. He had Miss Looker next to him and then the superintendent, whatever his name is, on the other side of her. "Is everyone ready for homecoming week?"

We all cheered and I clapped along.

"Well, to start off, can I have Yasmine Janes, Alexa DeVos, Amelia Turner, Corrine Caster, Delancey Roof, Dane Polis, Tony Rould, Dallas Winston, Henry Knowles, and Noah Sanner come down? I believe they have a few announcements for the future events on campus."

Miss Looker mentioned this to me and Dane yesterday. She wants us to announce it ourselves. I'm captain of the cheer team and Dane's captain of the football team; so, it probably just seems like a sports announcement.

"I'm gonna pass the microphone to Alexa DeVos, the varsity cheer captain, and Dane Polis, the varsity football captain." Mr. Collins said.

I took it and held it first. "Hi, everyone! I'm Alexa DeVos, if you don't already know me. Just some general updates, get hyped for the game! It's a week from Friday! Head out and support your school by wearing our schools' colors on the field next Friday, the tenth, at 7!"

I handed it to Dane. "Hey, everyone, I'm Dane, captain of the football team. More updates, the dance is the next day! Next Saturday to be more exact. Everyone stay safe and get ready for some fun."

He put the microphone between us and we announced at the same time. "And say hello to your Homecoming Court of 1965!"

Everyone cheered and we all laughed. I handed the microphone to Miss Looker. "Thank you, Dane and Alexa. Let's all give them another round of applause!"

As everyone clapped, she looked at the nine of us. "Meet in room 202 after this for your dance partners." She said.

I grinned. We all went back to our seats as they made a few more announcements.

"No way!" Melanie whispered.

"When did you find out?" Charlotte asked.

"Monday. I wanted to tell you guys so bad." I said with a laugh.

"No kidding! Not gonna lie, I would have spilled." Melanie said.

"Me too. You go, girl. You've got my vote."

"Mine too."

I laughed. "Thanks. But it's not that big of a deal. It'll certainly be an experience, though." I said casually.

"Why did they announce Dallas Winston? I haven't seen him since middle school." Charlotte continued.

"Me too." Melanie added.

"Yeah, I did think it was odd. They were looking for him also when we were told. Maybe they mixed up names? I dunno. But I mean, I guess we'll find out sooner or later... right?"

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