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Alexa's POV

A couple went on, nothing ever came of Leo and Dallas. Just a few people talking.

There was an assembly in the gym after school on Wednesday.

Johnny and I walked together. "What's this about?" I asked.

"Probably homecoming and fall sports."

We sat down and waited for everyone to finish their announcements. Mr. Harmon came up to talk. "Hi, everyone. Just one more announcement for today. If I could have the following students come down please..."

He started announcing and I was the first name he said.

Oh God. I hope this isn't about that fight.

Alexa DeVos
Heather Hilton
Nora Lee
Cherry Valance
Sylvia Zenders

Sodapop Curtis
Leo Goulding
Zachary Lane
Chris Stanford
Dallas Winston

I felt my heart race as we all lined up.

"Will Rogers, I'm proud to announce your homecoming court of 1965-1966!"

I audibly gasped and looked at Dallas. We both laughed.

I was excited and shocked, but it felt so wrong to be up here.

Mr. Harmon looked at us. "Could I have you all meet me by the sign after?" We all nodded. "You are dismissed." He said to everyone.

I caught up to Dallas. "Wow. I can't believe that just happened."

"Honestly, me too."

We all gathered and I saw Dallas giving a look to the brunette at the end. I think it was Sylvia?


It hit me. I leaned over to him. "Is that the Sylvia?" I whispered.


"Congratulations everyone. We just need the girls to pick their partners."

"I pick Dallas!" Sylvia yelled quickly.

"Uh... Sylvia, we typically go alphabetical. Meaning, Alexa gets first pick."

"That's not fair. I'm gonna be stuck with Chris or something."

The guy rolled his eyes. "As if I'd want to be with you, anyway."

"Hey! Let's not start this." Mr. Harmon said sternly.

Sylvia spoke up. "I just don't think it always fair that I've always been last because my last name starts with a 'Z.'"

He sighed. "Alright, fine. Dallas and Sylvia."

"I wanna drop." Dallas said quickly.

"We don't allow students to drop due to a parter. We are to be kind and polite."

"We also didn't allow students with their last name in rotation to go first, but of course." He muttered.

He sighed. "Alexa, who do you pick?"

I looked at the guys. "Uhh... I guess Sodapop, if that's alright."

"Cool!" He said.

I smiled slightly.

Heather picked Leo, Nora picked Chris, and Cherry for Zachary.

"Alright. Get prepared for next Wednesday. Good luck everyone!"

"Hey, Dal. You got lucky." Sylvia said. "You got the only girl in choir."

"I'd rather stab myself in the eye with a pole."

"Choir? What does that have to do with anything?" I asked.

Sodapop came up next to me. "Our court representation is through karaoke, not dancing."

Sylvia grinned at me. "I guess cheer captain won't do much for ya this time." She laughed. "See ya, sweet cheeks." She said to Dallas while blowing a kiss at him.

He sighed as he dragged his hands down his face. "Great. Just great."

"Oh, karaoke? I-I dunno how I'll be doing with that." I said nervously.

"It's okay. No one's ever good. It's all kinda a little joke to get to know ya." Sodapop said. "We've got personality. We'll be great."

We left it at that.

Dallas and I started our walk home. "I'm sorry about Sylvia." I said awkwardly. "I would've picked you, ya know."

"I know. God, can't she move on? She fucked me over so many times and now here we are."

"I know. But in a week it'll all be over."

"This is just her way of trying to get back together. It doesn't end."

We got up to Bucks and I was about to go upstairs before Buck yelled my name.

"Yeah, what up?" I asked stepping down the stairs.

"Wanna manage tonight?"

"Yeah, I gotcha."

"I mean really manage. I got places to be and I need someone to watch. You're hired."

"For real?" I asked in excitement. "Yes! Oh my, goodness! Thank you!" I said with excitement.

"I'm trusting you. I better hear good things."

"Oh, you will. Trust me. Thank you."

I went back to the school for practice and things went real well. We started our cheer routine for the homecoming game and got some new stunts in. Coach Mia has me as center flyer!

Then I came back to Bucks to see Dallas at the counter. "How was practice?" He asked.

"Pretty good. Everything's going smoothly. Now I gotta get ready to play manager tonight! Excited to be takin' orders from me?" I laughed.

"Don't get to ahead of yourself. Get ready we open in a half hour."

"Alright. Be right back!"

I got dressed and freshened up my makeup and hair in the bathroom. I came downstairs with my new key from Buck and unlocked the door. It was just a Wednesday so I didn't expect it to be too busy tonight.

People started coming in and Dally started playing music for everyone. He was bartending tonight.

I walked up to a table. "How's everything over here? Need anything?"

"No, we're okay." The woman said. "Do y'all ever have live music?" The other girl asked. They were probably in their mid-thirties.

"Umm... I don't believe we do."

"You should work on that. Bring the place up."

"Oh. Well, thanks for your input. I'll let some people know about your recommendation."

I went up to Dallas. "We need live music."

He handed a guy a beer. "What?" He asked.

"Live music! People love it!"

"Buck ain't hiring anyone for live music."

"Well, maybe he should consider it. I just think it's a good idea for the place."

"Buck asked you to keep everything under control. Not add to his place."

"I'm not adding. I'm suggesting."

I left it at that. More people came in and those two girls were still sitting at the table.

It did need to lighten up a bit here.

I went back to where the radio was and changed the station to something more alive.

"Alexa, what are you doing?" Dallas asked as I came to the front.

"We don't have live music, but this place needs something new."

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