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Alexa's POV

Dallas and I talked for a bit at the counter. About the dance tomorrow and just bits and pieces of innocent conversation.

He left around maybe 10:30. And he was right. We didn't do anything else. Respectful.

I liked it like that.

The next day was the day of the dances.

I felt like Dallas' and I's were gonna take everyone by surprise. Get people to like us, y'know?

The day went on and at the end of the day, everyone gathered in the bleachers to watch.

The ten of us waited in the corner for our turns.

Well, nine of us...

"Hey, Lex. Where's Dallas?" Delancey asked.

"Uh... I'm not sure. But he'll be here. He wouldn't miss this..."

"Good thing you're last. Gives him extra time. Good luck."

"Yeah, you too." I muttered.

Johnny's POV

Dallas made me come to the school to watch. He said he had to be here early so I walked by myself. I snuck in through the back and blended in at the side of the bleachers with a few guys.

The first four groups went and Dallas and Alexa were last.

I'm curious to see how they made this work with all of Dal's stubbornness in the beginning.

Alexa walked out by herself. Where's Dallas?

"And our final group..." The microphone was handed to Alexa and she smiled as people clapped.

"Uh... Hi, everyone! I'm Alexa DeVos and... well... my partner is Dallas Winston." She looked around a bit. She gave a slight chuckle to everyone and handed the mic off.

Some adult came up to her and whispered something in her ear. Alexa looked worried. "Yeah, I'll be okay." She said with a slight grin.

She sighed and the music started playing. It was really awkward watching her dance by herself when it was so obviously meant to be a two person dance.

Goddammit, Dallas.

I thought they were doing well? Was he really plotting this scheme to embarrass her?

That sounds like him.

I feel so bad for Alexa.

She kept looking around like he was gonna pop out.

She spun around like someone was helping her and pretended to dip herself.

This is getting hard to watch.

She looked like she was about to do a flip maybe? But she went for it and stopped before she could do it and just did this awkward little dance instead.

"Did Dallas actually ditch her? I thought I saw them walkin' around." A girl said to her friend next to me.

The clip of this song repeated and she dipped her hip and nodded while mouthing it. Absolutely no confidence.

There was a bit of music.

Just then, Dallas ran through the doors behind her and next to her. He put her sunglasses on and his and they repeated the chorus together.

She turned to the side and Dallas spotted her for a flip. Everyone stood up and started clapping.

They finished off strong as Dallas did his part and Alexa showed off her moves.

They finished with their sunglasses back on and perfectly in sync. Everyone clapped and the two hugged and laughed together.

Well, good job, Dallas. Had me fooled.

Alexa's POV

Dallas didn't think he was gonna be able to memorize the first quarter of the dance. So we improvised.

He wasn't gonna do it.

Fool everyone and make them believe he ditched.

Only for the grand entrance!

I did my first part awkwardly. It was the same dance choreography I had, but instead I made it super awkward to make myself seem more embarrassed.

I even pretended to add a flip and I can't do one without a spot; so, I did an awkward dance instead.

People were whispering and Charlotte was giving me a look. I even saw Johnny giving me some pity.

I even kept looking around like he was there, even though I knew where and when he was gonna pop out from.

When he did, I pulled out my flip and we finished the rest off strong. We both laughed and hugged each other.

I sighed. "For a minute I was worried you was gonna bail."

"Wouldn't think about it." Dallas said putting his sunglasses back on.

I laughed. "Come on. We're inside. Take these off."

Everyone laughed and clapped as we walked over with the rest of the groups.

"Well, Lex, you had us fooled. Y'all looked pretty good." Delancey said.

I grinned. "Thanks." Dallas said for me. He's so cocky, but it was almost comical.

"Well, everyone. The judges have picked the winners! Can I have the court out here please?" 

We all lined up as the teachers who were judging came out to the side. "Well, all of you did very well." Mr. Charleston said. "But we have decided that the winner of this tournament is..."

"Dallas and Alexa!" The three said at once.

We both laughed and I jumped up. We hugged again and the bell rang. Everyone was dismissed.

We walked out with Johnny and Marina. "Y'all looked great." She said. "You two got my vote."

Johnny continued. "If I could vote, it would be for you two."

Marina giggled. "See y'all later. Bye guys!"

"Bye." Johnny said.

"Well, I better be heading home." I said. "I really do got homework to get done. Y'all have fun tonight! See ya around."

Dallas' POV

Johnny and I started walking towards my apartment and I lit a cancer stick on the way.

"Well, Dal. You fooled me. I thought I was gonna have to beat your ass for it. Y'all looked great, though."

"As if you could beat my ass if you tried." I pulled him into a head lock.

"Oh come on, Dal." He paused. "Fine. Maybe just a stern talking to."

I grinned. "Yeah, well, Lex was the brains behind all of it."

"You're warming up to her."

"Who, Alexa?"

"Yeah. We came up here to make her miserable. And now you're kinda liking her."

"She's alright." I said taking a drag.

"What are you gonna do when you have to leave her here?"

"What do ya mean?"

"You know what I mean."

"What are you gonna do about Marina?" I asked changing the subject.

"We're just friends. She knows I'm leaving. We established that. What about you and Alexa."

"We're just friends. She knows I'm leaving. We established that."

"Just friends?"


"Remember when I came home late that one time and you two were watching Mickey Mouse?"

"Yeah. What are you hinting at? We didn't do anything."

"Explain that to the lipstick stains on your face."

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