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Alexa's POV

I tried to fall back asleep, and I was almost there until Dally slammed the freezer shut.

I got up. I was a bit more awake than I was twenty minutes ago, despite trying to fall back asleep.

I got out of my room and went to see him. "Dal, are you okay?" I asked.

He sighed and came up to me. "I'm sorry, Alexa. God, I didn't come here to ask for some fucking ice cream. I came here to... y'know what... never mind. It was a stupid idea."

"You can talk to me. Not like anything matters. You're leaving tomorrow." I said trying to give him a slight grin.

He sighed. "I wanted to see if you'd come down with us. I can't leave you here. You mean too much to me."

That woke me up. I looked at him in shock. "You want me to go to Oklahoma with you guys?"

He frowned. "I know..."

"Dallas, I can't just leave. I have so much here for me."

"That's what Johnny said. And he was right. That's why when I looked in your eyes I couldn't ask you to go. And I just asked for some stupid sweet treat that I could have had at my own place." He sighed.

"I'm sorry, Dallas."

"It's okay." He gave me one last hug and walked out the door.

I shut it behind him. I went to go lock the first lock and I stopped myself.

I hate it here.

I hate it so fucking much.

And all I want is to leave.

My God, this is crazy.

I'd be insane for doing that.

I opened the door and looked in the hallway. "Dallas! Wait! Come back." He turned around with his hands still in his pocket. He stopped at the doorframe and didn't say anything. "You really mean that? You want me to come with you?"

"Yeah... I guess so."

"When's the train leave?" I asked.

"Tonight at 7."

I thought for a moment.

The words just rolled off my tongue. It felt right in my gut. "I wanna go."

His eyes lit up. "Are you serious?"

"I-I think so?" I said with a laugh.

He hugged me tightly. "You're really okay with that?" He asked with a smile.

"I think I am." I said continuing to laugh.

"Well then, Alexa. You're coming to Tulsa, Oklahoma with us. I'll meet you here tomorrow. Be ready by five."

"Alright. I will."

I locked the door for real this time and smiled.


I was too excited to sleep. I grabbed my two suitcases and packed up all my clothes, my hair stuff, money, toothbrush, toothpaste, makeup, soaps, important documents, and everything else I could possibly need to runaway.


Oh my God.

I'm gonna run away with Dallas fucking Winston.

I slept a bit more after I packed a bunch of stuff up. I didn't wake up until noon.

I got myself ready in comfortable clothes for the long days ahead of me.

I washed my hair in my own shower one last time and brushed my teeth.

It was around 4:30 that Dallas and Johnny got here. I let them in and I had my suitcases packed.

"Hey, guys." I said cheerfully.

"Hey, Lex. You're really coming with us?"

"Yessir. Time to get out. This is what I've been waiting for."

"Well, all our stuff is packed and we're ready to go. You got any last minute stuff you wanna pack before we go? Gonna go get some food on the way to the station."

I looked around. "Actually, yes."

I went into dad's room really quickly. I grabbed mom's purse, pearls, and wedding ring from the back of his closet. And then I grabbed her guitar picks from the shelf that dad had completely rid her from.

I put it all in my front pocket and took a deep breath. "Alright. That should be everything. My room is completely unpacked and I'm ready to go."

"You sure you're okay with this, Lex? You know what comes with it?" Dallas asked.

I sighed. "I do. And I'm ready for it. I have no life for me here in New York. No future, I mean. It's gotta be from somewhere else."

I locked my apartment door for one last time.

And to the train station we went.

We stopped for some fast food at the Dairy Queen real quick before getting on the train.

Before I left I sent a few letter to a few people.

Charlotte, Melanie, my cheer coach, and my boss.

It was basically just saying that I was moving away very suddenly to start my life over somewhere else. That I was okay and that I'll be back to visit soon.

Nothing too sad or sappy. Just simple.

We waited at the train station for what felt like forever. My nerves were tensed up, but I didn't say anything. I had already bought my ticket. There's no going back now. I didn't want to go back.

We finally started boarding.

I let Johnny and Dallas sit next to each other. Mainly because if I sat next to Dallas I'd probably spill about how nervous I was and I didn't want him to regret his decision about inviting me.

After a very, very, very, very, long day, and nine states later, I was in the opposite side of the country.

I was actually in Oklahoma.

I laughed at how insane this is. On the way here all I could think about was doing the things I had to do, but now that I'm here... all I could think about was the endless possibilities this is gonna bring me.

I felt so free.

The town was beautiful. There were these old buildings, but they were tall. Not New York tall, that's for sure, but taller than I expected in a country town. But there were barely any people walking the streets.

It wasn't crowned.

It was just... average maybe?

"Where are we going?" I asked the guys.

"See our friends. They're gonna wonder what we've been up to. All they got is Ponyboy's story and even that's pretty vague." Johnny said.

I thought for a moment.

What's a Ponyboy?

Is that like a young kid that likes young horses?

Hmm... guess I'll find out.

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