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Alexa's POV

Time went on and Dallas and I, to my knowledge, never really told anyone we got together. Kinda keeping it to ourselves. See how things go for a bit.

The next week went by and it was time to embarrass myself during karaoke for the school.

I wished we did dances, because it was kinda my strong suit. But Soda and I have been practicing a bit with "You're the Devil in Disguise" by Elvis. It was Sodapop's idea.

The day came and Dallas and Sylvia were up first.

She started. She was a really good singer. Then it was Dallas' turn and he just stood there with his arms crossed glaring at her.

She rolled her eyes. "I'm done. We're done." She finally said after such a long silence.

"Okay!" Mr. Harmon said awkwardly. "Next up, Sodapop Curtis and Alexa DeVos!"

We went out to the middle and were handed the microphones. Darry was front and center excited to see this. I've never actually seen him smile so much.

Sodapop pulled out a few surprise moves and I guess I did too, just to add more pop to it I guess.

We were kinda laughing the whole way through because of how bad it was.

Once the song ended we laughed, hugged each other, and walked off.

The next groups went and that was it. We won't know who won until Friday at the game.

More time passed and then the homecoming game was here! Everyone got their sashes and the court sat up front to wait for halftime.

I got to help choreograph the half time dance, and if I'm being completely honest, I kinda liked this one more than the one I did in New York.

It was wasn't advanced because, since we're weren't a competitive team, the requirements to get on the team were lower.

I think the reason I probably like it more though was because I got to show off more.

Just a little selfish.

We ended in a stunt and I was up in a full lib before I cradled down.

Everyone clapped as we all walked to the track again. Nora, Cherry and I rushed to the end of the track for homecoming court king and queen.

We all walked to the center as they announced us. I was starting to get Deja Vu from all of this.

We got to the center and the ten of us were lined up. "Hello, Will Rogers! I know we're all excited to see who are Homecoming King and Queen is, but let me quickly announce our winners of karaoke!" Everyone clapped. "Congratulations to... Leo Goulding and Heather Hilton!"

More claps and we all clapped for them, too.

"Alright, now the moment we've all been waiting for..." The principal and vice principal got the crowns from the side. They teased the crown over our heads for a bit as we all stood there nervously.


I felt the crown placed on my head and I looked around to see who won for the guys.

"Our Homecoming King and Queen, everybody! Sodapop Curtis and Alexa DeVos!" I laughed and hugged Sodapop lightly.

I couldn't believe this!

Dallas hugged me also and I once again got a bunch of congratulations from the cheerleaders and some girls I've met before.

"The two will appear in the parade on Sunday at 2:00! See them there!"



I'll have to ask about it later.

I saw Darrel and Ponyboy hug Sodapop as he had this big grin on his face. It was so heartwarming.

The game finished and we barely won. 21-18. We weren't as good as New York, but at least we won the homecoming game!

I went to find Dallas and his friends.

"Congratulations, Alexa." Darrel said.

"Thank you."

"We're heading to the diner. Wanna come?" Johnny asked.

"Yeah, sounds fun."

The eight of us walked to the diner and Sodapop and I were sticking out like sore thumbs because Darrel made him keep his crown and sash on which then made Sodapop force me to keep mine on.

"So, what's with the whole parade thing?" I asked.

"Every year, the Homecoming King and Queen get to sit in the back of the car at the front of the parade. Just like an introduction I guess. Tradition stuff."

"Huh, that's kinda cool, I guess." I said with a smile.

"We're gonna be front and center." Sodapop said leaning back in his seat.

We all laughed.

We finished up our meal and went home to get some rest before the dance tomorrow.

I woke up and I felt so stupid getting ready all by myself. I didn't really have any close girl friends to get ready with and I didn't expect to get ready with the guys.

I wore the same dress I did in New York with the same gloves. Dallas and Johnny would be the only two to recognize it and it was a very pretty dress.

I walked out of my room and Dallas was downstairs waiting for me.

"Ready to go?" I asked.

"Wow." He said looking at me.

"Oh, stop." I said with a laugh. "You've already seen this dress, anyway." I said giving him a twirl.

"And you're still just as beautiful as the first time I saw you. Come on, let's go."

I started to walk and outside and he stopped me. "We're going through the back."

"Oh, why?"

"You'll see." I shrugged it off like it was nothing. Like he had already locked the front and didn't want to do it again?

We walked out back and there was a really cool red Corvair sitting there waiting for us. "What?" I asked in shock. "Are we gonna drive this?"

"Yup. Buck's letting me borrow it for the night."

I laughed. "No way! This is awesome, Dal." We got in and drove to the dance in this super cool car. I didn't think Dallas knew how to drive, though.

We walked inside and I couldn't believe I was doing this again for the second time. We met up with the guys.

"Wow, Dallas. Didn't know you owned anything other than denim or leather." Steve said with a laugh.

"Haha." Dallas said sarcastically.

"Alright, come on, guys. Let's just have fun tonight." Ponyboy said.

And we did. I had a lot of fun.

No craziness or nonsense.

Things were finally falling into place.

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