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Alexa's POV

For all of sixth hour I was stuck thinking about the Homecoming Court news. More specifically, the one kid who didn't show up.

We filled out who we wanted on court, I believe the third day of school? I don't even think I saw Dallas' name on the ballot.

I mean, to be honest, I kinda forgot about him.

We weren't ever friends, but we did go to the same school from kindergarten to when he disappeared freshman year. In fifth grade, we were sitting at the same table and the cops busted in and arrested him.

But, I'm sure everyone in the classroom remembered that.

A ten year old getting arrested.

If I'm correct, I believe he robbed a store and got caught up in a fight afterwards. But to be honest, it was none of my business and still isn't.

The principal called me down after the incident to make sure I was okay. Wanted to make sure little fifth grade me was alright mentally after seeing a classmate my age arrested.

But to be honest, I was fine. He also called down a few other people who were sitting at the table with us.

But all of this really did make me wonder how he got on the court...

I mean, does he still even go here?

That was a dumb question. The most logical guess would be that he's still enrolled and his old man just keeps him enrolled every year, but doesn't realize he doesn't show up. Or simply doesn't care.

I dunno. I always knew his parents kinda sucked. It probably wasn't a terrible guess that his dad just doesn't know much about his kid.

And his mom probably doesn't care either.

But I shouldn't be thinking about it or questioning it as much as I am.

It doesn't concern me.

It was just an overall weird thought that someone who hadn't shown up to school in three years got the spot of what most popular kids get.

Dallas' POV

"Hey, guys." I said walking in the door.

"What's up, Dal."

"Not much. Just another boring day. Anything new going on here?"

"Nah," Ponyboy started. "Just another day. Are we still headin' to the drive in tonight?"

"Yeah. Let's just hang here for a bit 'til it starts."

All the guys were there, even Darry which was shocking. He normally worked when we were all there, but I guess everyone got this boring Monday off.

The phone rang.

"I got it." Steve said. "Hello?" A pause. "Yeah, he's here." He looked at me and held the phone out. "Dally, it's for you."

I looked over from the couch and switched places on the chair with Steve. "Hello?"

"Hey, Dallas. It's Tony."

"Hey, man. Haven't heard from ya in a while. How'd you get this number?"

"You called me from it a few years back. Pretty much right when you left."

"Well, shoot. A little weird you're calling now. What's up?"

"You'll never guess."

"I probably won't. What's going on?"

"The homecoming court just got announced. Noah and I are on it... and so are you."


"You're on homecoming court for New York City High."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"I know, man! I'm shocked, too! But I swear to God, you're on homecoming court!"

"I don't even live in New York anymore. Haven't been their in years."

"I know, but I swear I'm not fucking with ya, Dallas. You and four other guys are on homecoming court for the class of '66."

"That makes no sense. Why would I be on it if I haven't been there in years?"

"I dunno. I'm sure a lot of the guys saw ya on the voter thing and put ya down as a joke. Probably wanted to see what was gonna happen if you got on it."

"Well shoot. Tough luck, I ain't comin' back up there."

"Don't expect ya to, but thought you might like to know. I mean, it's not like you're gonna get any higher than this."

"Aw, shut your trap."

"I'll talk to ya later, Dal."

"Whatever, Tony."

I hung up.

"What was that about?" Sodapop asked.

"I'm on homecoming court."

"Really? At Will Rogers?" Johnny asked. "I thought voting for court wasn't for another month. Ours is late this year."

"Nope... my old high school back in New York."

"New York? Have you been back there?"

"Nah, that's what threw me off. Guess I'm still enrolled there and people saw my name and decided to vote for me. But, you know, I can tell you who else is on the court without even being there."

I slumped back in the chair and watched as everyone looked at me. "Whaddya mean?" Two-Bit asked.

"Wanna know the females in this? Alexa DeVos, Alexa DeVos, Alexa DeVos, Alexa DeVos, and Alexa DeVos."

The confusion intensified in everyone's faces. "Who's Alexa DeVos?" Ponyboy asked.

"Only the most self absorbed, stuck up, rotten, spoiled brat in the whole school. No, in all of America. This chick got lucky in life. She's pretty and smart, but man she's a bitch."

"I don't think this girl took up all five spots." Darry said sarcastically.

"Doesn't matter who else is on. Alexa thinks that it's her world and we're all just living in it. She needs to learn to mind her own business. Man, when I knew her she was so stuck up on barging in my business. The first time we met was in kindergarten and she was talking about everything I was doing wrong."

"Wow. Ya really seem to hate this girl." Sodapop said.

"Hate's a strong word, but the right word. She can rot in hell for all I care. Maybe there she can learn to keep her shit to herself, because I'm sick and tired of her bullshit. Man, I'd do anything to see her get a taste of real world shit."

It was silent for a moment. "Actually, I will. I should head up to New York."

"Dal, are you sure that's a good idea?" Ponyboy asked.

"I don't care. I'm sure when she heard I was on the court she laughed and laughed, because she probably doesn't think I'm gonna show up. Well, watch out. I'm goin' back."

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