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Alexa's POV

Dallas spun around and I was getting so dizzy. He ran inside and I was still laughing. I had mud all over me and so did he. He put me down as we laughed our hearts out. Johnny was about to open the door and I was trying to see straight again.

"Uhh..." Johnny said.

"What?" I asked with a laugh.

I looked forward and I swear I saw my dad here.

I started to walk a bit and I lost my balance a bit and stumbled from spinning in circles.

"My, goodness, that looks just like my dad."

Everyone was dead silent. You could hear a pin drop. "Alexa?" He said.

That certainly snapped me out of my dizziness.

I stood there as still as everyone else. He ran up to me and hugged me. I still stood there as stiff as a board.

"Get off of me!" I yelled shoving him back. "How the fuck did you find me?" I yelled.

"I-I saw your dance competition on TV."

"A-And, who are you?" I asked walking around him and going up to the girl.

"My names Margaret. I'm Mark's fiancé."

"FIANCÉ?" I screamed.

"Did you fucking invite them here?" I yelled at Dallas.

"No! No, I didn't!"

"I was friends with the Curtis'. We were looking for you. Thought they might know where to find you."

"What the fuck!" I screamed.

"Alexa, language!" Dad said.

"Oh, shut up!" I yelled. "Get the fuck out of my life!"

"Hey! I am your father!" He said back at me.

"You haven't been my father for seventeen years. You ever think there was a reason I left? I see you for an hour each week for seventeen fucking years! Stay OUT of my life!" I yelled.

I slammed the door as I stormed out.

"Alexa, wait up." Dallas said next to me. I was so angry to feel any other emotion.

"I can't believe him! Why the hell was he watching that dance thing anyway? My, God!" I screamed.

"He'll go back and you won't have to worry about him again. Let's go get setup for work, okay? That'll take your mind off of this."

I sighed and accepted it. Except I still didn't want to. I couldn't believe it!

We set up and we had people in around six.

I saw Sylvia walk in and Dallas rolled his eyes. "I'm not here to bother you. I just need a beer."

He rolled his eyes and handed her one. I forgot she was already eighteen. "Hi, Sylvia." I said with a smile.

"Hey, Alexa. I saw your dance competition. You're a real good dancer."

"Oh, thank you. Whatcha doin' over here tonight?"

"I just needed a drink. Parents are fighting at home and y'all are just down the street."

Dallas walked away with a miserable eye roll. I rolled my eyes playfully at him. "Well, let me know if ya need anything."

Mark's POV

I sunk to the floor and sighed. I couldn't believe it. My own daughter hates me.

"Mark, come on, sweetie. Thanks for inviting us in, but we better get going. I'll see yall around." She held my hand out to the car and I hit the steering wheel as I got in. "Mark!" Margaret yelled sternly. "She'll come to her senses. Just give her some time. It was probably a shock. I know that wasn't how you intended this to go."

"I can't believe it."

"I know. Look, let's go get a few drinks. I know a place."

Alexa's POV

I went up to a few tables and Buck finally came up to me. "Uhh... Alexa?" He asked.

"Yeah?" I responded with a smile.

"So, table four is asking about some live music? Said that you did it for them a couple weeks ago?"

I laughed and waved at the two ladies. "Yeah, we had some real fun!"

"Well, you think you can do it again?"

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah. Said the whole place really enjoyed it."

"Yeah, you got it."

I went to the back and switched the music. I went up to Sylvia. "Hey." I said.

"Hi, what's up?"

"Do you know the Weather Girls?"

"Yeah...? Who doesn't."

"Well, I know you like to sing and Buck asked if we wanna have some live music. I'm not very good at it, but it'd be nice to have a partner."
I said handing her a microphone.

"Oh, look, Alexa, I appreciate your kindness but that's okay."

"Kindness? I'm being selfish." I said with a laugh. "I need someone better than me to make me look less like a fool. Come on." I drawled.

I managed to make her laugh. "Alright. What song is it?"

"It's Raining Men!"

(Note: I know the song didn't come out until '83 but we're gonna pretend it didn't because I decided it fit well!)

"One song. That's it."

"Show off, girl! You got a good voice. Use it."

She finally took the microphone from me and we went up to the stage. I was giggling as we did the introduction to the song.

I felt bad. I know Dallas couldn't stand her, but everyone deserves kindness. I heard her talk about her parents and I figured she might need a distraction.

We got everyone hyped up and Buck gave me a thumbs up as the song ended. "Sylvia! You've got such a powerful voice!" I said with excitement.

"You don't have to pretend to be nice to me." She said with a small smile.

"I don't have to pretend. Eventually if you're nice to someone you'll get kindness in return."

She smiled at my sheepishly. "Well, I don't know how you do it. Being nice to people ain't easy."

I shrugged my shoulders with a grin. "Well, being mean to people won't don't deserve it isn't easy either."

"Yeah, but I'm your boyfriend's ex-girlfriend."

"Oh, we- uhh... we aren't together. Dallas isn't my boyfriend."

"Really?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah. We're just friends."

"Well, my best advice, I'd give it a go. I've seen the way he treats you. Even the way he looks at you. It's not the way he treated me. It's different. I mean, the whole time we're up here he's got that smile on his face watchin ' ya. If you're up for it, I'd say see where it takes you."

I sighed. "Well, I guess it ain't easy getting with someone you've known your entire life."

We laughed and got down from the stage and I watched as people started having fun and dancing around with each other.

"Good job, Alexa!" The girl from table four said.

I laughed. "Thank you."

Sylvia left after another drink. "I dunno how you can stand her." Dallas said leaning against the bar.

"She's real nice. Got a lot goin' on. The last thing she needs right now is someone bitchin' to her." I said with a playful glare.

I wouldn't say this to Dallas, but she had a way with her words. They got to my head.

Just what she said about me and Dallas.

It made me wonder...

Was she right?

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