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Alexa's POV

I walked to the side and applauded all the girls as they went.

"You did awesome, Alexa." Maya said.

"Thanks. I'm excited to see you!"

I noticed as everyone went that this was not a competitive team.

Not to be that person, but they all kinda sucked.

No, they were real good. But not competition good, which is what I was used to.

"Alright. Now I need everyone to get into groups. I want flyers over here, main bases here, side bases here, and back spots here." Coach Mia said pointing.

I walked up to her. "For sideline I was a flyer and for competition I was main base. Do you have a preference?" I asked with a smile.

"Well, this is sideline."

"Alright. Got it!"

I got with the flyers and we all had simple conversation.

"Cherry and Marcia, go base. Lana, go back spot. Maya, go fly."

They all got setup and I could tell Cherry and Marcia have been basing together for a while. They were making eye contact and worked very well together.

"Alexa, I want to see you main base first. Cherry, swap out. Nora, replace Marcia. Ready? Fast half! 5,6,7,8!"

I grabbed her foot and used my legs to get her up. Everyone else was kinda struggling.

"Down. Sponge. 5,6,7,8." Coach said disappointedly.

"Can we try one more time?" I asked with a smile.

"Make it quick."

"Nora, make sure to lift with your legs and not your hands. Girls have more leg strength than arm strength." I looked at Lana. "And if you lift at the ankles rather than calves, you'll have more power to make it easier for us. Maya, Nora and I will go lower so you can use more power to push off our shoulders rather than have us struggle to get you up. This should make it easier for one day to do a fast full."

"Alright, 5,6,7,8!" It went much smoother after my suggestions. "I want a cradle! 5,6,7,8!"

We tossed her up and everyone gasped as she went up. She went high! It was great!

"Wow! Good job guys! You did amazing!"

"Lana, swap with Lisa, Cherry, Marcia, head back in. Alexa, try flying."

I switched to the middle and I got in a sponge. "Try a full? Y'all up for it?"

"Yes, ma'am!" I called out.


I pushed off their shoulders and squeezed as tight as I could. I tried to make it as easy as possible for them to get me up.

"Flick down. 5,6,7,8!"

I let them toss me down and they caught me. "Wow, you guys are real good! Good job, you guys."

The next hour of practice was spent rotating people in and out and then the football guys came out.

"That's time. I'll have the team posted tomorrow on the bulletin board."

"Wow, you're real good." Maya said.

"Thanks. You're an amazing flyer, as well."

"I'm gonna have to take a few tips. I'll see ya tomorrow at school."

"You bet. Get home safe. See ya!"

As I was packing up my stuff I heard my name. "Alexa! Get over here." I looked over and it was Coach Mia.

I frowned. She sounded angry at me.

I threw my bag over my shoulder and went up to her. "I'm sorry if I was kinda takin' over. It wasn't my intention."

"No, that's not what this is about. You looked great. You said you did competition, right?"

"Yeah." I said awkwardly.

"Alright, well there's no doubt you're making this team. You're great."

"Wow! Awesome! Thank you."

"Would you be interested in team captain? Looks great on resumes, you got the skills for it."

"What? For real?" I asked in excitement.

"For real. I'm only asking 'cause you're new. I take it you're interested?"

"Yes! Oh my, goodness, yes!"

"You got it. Cherry Valance is gonna be co-captain, I think."

"Perfect. Thank you so much! I'm so grateful."

"Of course. I'll see ya Wednesday."

"You got it! Thank you so much, again."

I practically skipped off the field. I couldn't believe it! I was thrilled!

I walked over to the Curtis' as I knew Dallas was gonna be there. I couldn't wait to tell him!

I knocked on the door and then I remembered they all just kinda walked in. "Hi, everyone!" I said with excitement.

"Hey, Alexa. How was tryouts?" Dallas asked taking a drag on his cigarette.

"Awesome! Guess who's the new cheer captain?" I said with a smile plastered on my face.



"Well, congrats." He said hugging me.

"Cheer captain?" Sodapop asked. "That's cool as hell. First day seemed to be going good for ya."

"Mhmm. I'm so excited! It was a weird morning, but it all turned out great."

"Why was it weird?" Darrel asked.

"Well, apparently Dallas isn't seen around this part of town so when we walked in it was a bit of a shock to everyone. Couple people were talking about it."

"A couple? Jeez, the entire school was talking about it." Sodapop said.

"Soda, stay out of that. It's your first year back." Darrel said.

"First year back?" I asked.

"I dropped for a year to help pay bills after our parents died. But I'm finally able to work part time and get into school."

"Oh, that's awesome! I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks, 'Lexa. I'm glad to be back."

Dallas and I squeezed ourself onto the chair and we went to go watch TV.

"I'm gettin' hungry." Steve said. "Anyone wanna head to the diner?"

"I'll come." Dallas said.

"Me, too." I continued.

Johnny, Ponyboy, and Sodapop said they'd come too.

Two-Bit left and Darrel had to stay and clean up a bit.

We all made our way down and we crammed in this booth in the corner.

The waitress came over and helped us out and I was tryna save a bit of money since I didn't have an income at the moment. So I just got some fries.

"Hey, Alexa." Someone said from behind me.

"Oh, hi guys." It was Cherry and Marcia.

"You did real good at practice today. You're definitely making that team." Marcia said. "Where's Two-Bit?" She asked looking at all of us.

"He had to get home. Watching his sister tonight." Ponyboy said.

"Huh. Haven't seen him in a while. Tell him I said hi." She said.

"Yeah, good seeing y'all." Cherry said. "Well, most of you." She continued glaring at Dallas.

That was weird. I wonder what that weird comment was about.

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