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Alexa's POV

I stood up and walked right to Dallas. I just stared at him while I tried not to cry. "Hey, Lex. What are you doin' here?" He asked.

"Don't start that shit with me." I shoved him onto the couch. "You're an asshole!" I yelled. My anger took the best of me.

"What are you talking about?" He asked sounding genuinely confused.

"I'm entitled? I'm a bitch? You fucking wanted to ruin my life?" I yelled. Everyone was silent as I lost my mind on him.

"Who the hell told you all of that?" He asked standing up.

"So it's true?" I asked.

My heart sank. "Alexa, no, hang on."

"Well, you got what you wanted. I threw my ENTIRE LIFE away for you. You did it. I hope you're happy."

I stormed out.

Dallas' POV

I stood there in shock as she bolted out of the house. I looked at Ponyboy. "Did you fucking tell her?"

"I-I thought she knew! She said y'all were dating, I figured you would have told her!" He said defensively.

"Why would she ever date me if I told her?" I yelled. "Oh, God, I have to find her. Ponyboy, you better be sleeping with one eye opened tonight." I ran out the door to try and find her.

Alexa's POV

"Alexa! Alexa wait!" Dallas yelled from behind me. I kept walking. "Alexa, stop, I have to talk to you."

"I have nothing to say to you."

"Alexa, I swear, I didn't know you at the time-"

I faced him. "Exactly! You didn't know me! You were pissed off over something that happened 13 fucking years ago?" I stopped. "I was nothing, but nice to you. It was a drawing of a fucking fruit bowl. Get over yourself. I don't ever want to see you again. Understand?"

I continued walking.

"No, I don't understand! Alexa, I'm sorry."

"Sorry doesn't fix the fact that you dragged me down here."

"You willingly came!"

"Before I knew it was all just a scheme to ruin my life!"

"Alexa, those are not my intentions."

"Then what is? Because it was at one point." He was silent. "Good choice. Because I don't believe a single word that comes out of your mouth. Everything I've known about you is a lie!"

"Alexa, I love you."

I stopped. "Don't say that, Dallas."

"That's why I fucking told you to come with me. Because I couldn't leave you there."

"Just, stop!" I yelled. "Just... please, leave me alone."

I walked away faster.

I spent the next week avoiding Dallas. I got up earlier from school and stayed late after cheer practice to work on my dance for the show in Texas next week.

It was finally Wednesday and I packed all my stuff up to go to Texas. I had a hotel pre-paid for from Wednesday to Sunday.

I grabbed my bags and walked downstairs.

"Alexa, wait, please." Dallas said as I tried to bolt to the door.

"What, Dallas?" I asked turning around.

"Where are you going?"

"Texas. The dance recital is there."

"Oh, shoot, that's this Friday?"


"Well, good luck, Lex."

He seemed he had more to say, but I ignored him and walked out the door to the train station.

The train ride seemed like nothing compared to New York to Oklahoma.

God, I still can't believe I fell for that.

But I spent the next hours perfecting my dance and making sure nothing was gonna go wrong. I had my outfit laid out and the day finally came.

I was gonna be on national TV dancing!

Mark's POV (Alexa's Dad)

"Hun, do you want anything to drink?" I asked Margaret as she sat on the couch.

"I'm alright. Thanks, though."

I grabbed a water and sat down with her as she flipped through the channels.

"How's Alexa doing?" She asked.

"She's doing okay. I don't see her very often. She's always at school and cheer and dance and when she gets home I'm at work."

"What about Saturdays?"

"She's got work."


"She's with her friends, typically."

"You need to try and spend some more time with her."

"I know, I know. It's just ever since her mom died we've gotten more and more distant."

"It sounds like you two weren't too close to begin with."

"We weren't. And it's my fault. But you're right. I need to make amends. Sunday, I'm gonna spend time with her."

"I can't wait to meet her. It must be hard to see you dating again. Sounds like she really loved her mom."

She stopped on a channel. "And next up, we have our next dancer coming from Tulsa, Oklahoma, Alexa DeVos! Come back in a few minutes after a word from our sponsors!"

"Alexa DeVos?" I asked. "Wow, that's crazy. A girl with the same name dancing. Alexa would love this. Why'd you settle on this?"

"I'm actually from Oklahoma. I saw it on the screen and decided to see what it was about?"

"What made you come up here?" I asked in shock.

"Well, after my divorce, I didn't have much. I wanted to leave. It was probably around 5 years ago. I was friends with Lynn Curtis and I was at her house. This boy comes in, probably around Alexa's age, and said he ran away and was from New York. I was looking for a sign to leave and it just felt like that's what was going on."

"Interesting. Alexa should be home any minute. She loves this stuff."

The commercials ended. "And now it's time for... Alexa DeVos!"

A picture appeared on the screen.

"That's my daughter!" I yelled standing up.

"What?" Margaret asked. "This is for Oklahoma, I think."

"That's her! That's 1000% her!" I ran to her room. "Her stuff is gone! She's gone!"

"Mark, sit down."

"I can't sit down! My daughter's gone!"

Alexa started dancing on the screen as I called her friend Melanie. "Hello?" She asked.

"Hi, this is Mr. DeVos, Alexa's dad?"

"Oh, hi! How are you?" She asked.

"Do you know where Alexa is?"

"Umm... she sent me a letter a couple weeks ago. She said she was moving to Oklahoma."

"Oh my, God." I put the phone down and I felt myself get light headed.

"Mark, come watch her." I sat down to try and process everything going on.

She finished and she looked beautiful.

"I have to see her..." I muttered. "I'm booking a flight to Tulsa, immediately."

"I'll come with you. It would be nice to see my old friends again."

I was barely listening to what she had to say. All I was thinking about was calling and getting that flight.

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