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Alexa's POV

The weekend went by in a breeze. I even got to go around Bucks and try and figure out this whole work thing. It was a bit harder than expected, but I feel like sooner or later Buck is gonna let me have this job.

Then it was Sunday night. The day before my first day!

I was so nervous, but excited at the same time.

I managed to get a good nights sleep and I woke up at 6:00 sharp to my alarm clock. I got ready and I was ready to walk out the door at 7.

"Morning, Lex."

"Hi, Dallas. I'm ready for my first day of school! Again." I laughed.

"Yeah, I'm heading to school, too."

"Awesome! Let's go!"

Dallas and I walked to school and I was getting more and more anxious as the time went on.

"Oh, goodness. This is kinda getting to me."

"Why?" He asked lighting a cigarette.

"I mean, I don't know anybody here. Except you and your friends. And I barely know your friends."

He stopped and I stopped with him. "Alexa, you're gonna be just fine. You'll fit in perfectly with these people. Just be you. Everyone's gonna love you."

I sighed. "Thanks, Dallas. But it's easier said that done." I tried to give him a smile as we made our way to the school.

To everyone else, this was just a normal day, but for me it was a big deal. I needed to find new friends and get myself involved!

Oh, boy, I'm already stressing myself out.

"Let me see your schedule." Dallas said. I handed him the piece of paper. "I'll see ya third and sixth hour. Good luck today, Lex. If you need me, find me and I'll help ya out. And my friends would help you if you needed anything, too."

"I know. Thanks, Dal. Now it's time to go figure out my locker combination." We laughed. "I'll see ya, Dal."

People were looking at us.


Once Dallas and I separated I walked down to my locker. It was at the end, even though I'm used to my stuff being at the front because of my last name.

I was looking and I ran right into someone.

I gasped as she dropped her stuff everywhere.

"Oh my, goodness. I am so so so sorry." I said helping her clean up her stuff.

"Uhh... it's okay. Don't worry about it."

I grabbed some of her papers that slipped out of her binder. "Hey, are you on the cheer team?" I asked looking at her flyer. "Sorry, I don't mean to snoop."

"It's okay. Kinda. I'm trying out tonight. Spots aren't guaranteed here even though I've been on the team three years." She rolled her eyes.

"Oh, really? That's pretty cool though! I've been doing competitive cheer and sideline cheer for years now. And I've been dancing all my life."

"Really? You should come to tryouts. They're today at four."

"Really? I'd love to."

"Yeah. I'm Maya, by the way."


"Well, Alexa. It's great to meet you. I'll see you tonight?"

"I'll be there. And, sorry about makin' you drop your stuff."

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