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Alexa's POV

It was another scenario where this walk seemed to go by quickly. Even though I was walking like a snail.

Here's that con of small towns, I guess.

Even when you're trying to delay time, everything's close together.

I walked through the downtown area and I stopped outside the hotel.

Was I really gonna do this?

My heart was racing out of my chest. I looked at the letter. It was room 26.

I walked inside and down the hall. He was on the second floor I assumed, so I walked up the flight of stairs.

The sign said 1-15, to the left and 16-30 on the right.

The hallway lights flickered and I felt like it was a sign for me to get the hell out.

I kept going anyway.

I stood at the door and hesitated.

I knocked quickly. Maybe no one would be here?

After a couple seconds, dad's fiancée opened the door. "Oh! Hi, Alexa."

She was in her pajamas. I guess they're settled in for the night and I got home. "Hi... Margaret right?"


"Umm... is my dad here?"

"Yeah. He just got in the shower. Shouldn't be too long." She paused. "Do you wanna come in?"

I sighed. "Yeah."

I walked inside and she closed the door behind me. "Do you want anything to eat? We've got a few snacks or some water maybe?"

"I'm okay." I said.

I sat down at the small table in the center of the room and prepared myself for when I heard the shower turn off.

I looked at Margaret. "Umm... I just wanna apologize to you. I didn't make a very good first impression."

She sat down across from me. "That's okay. We didn't expect to see you there. We had more planned out for what we were going to say, but I guess it didn't work out that way." She gave me a friendly smile.

"What did make you guys stop there?" I asked out of curiosity. These were some of my questions for dad, but I figured since she was here now I could ask her.

"I'm from Oklahoma. I knew Mr. and Mrs. Curtis.  We saw you on TV for the National Dance Recital." She sorta explained how that all played out and how they landed on that channel. "Your dad freaked out a bit and booked a flight. I knew the area and figured that their boys were your age and went to the school you did. Will Rogers. Congratulations on Homecoming queen."

I gave her a small smile. "Thanks."

She continued. "I just thought they would know you because of that. Small town. Everyone kinda knows everyone. I heard Sodapop won the king spot and he would know you. It was just our guess on how to find you. We didn't know y'all would be friends."

"You're from Oklahoma?" I asked for clarification. She nodded. "What made you come up to New York?"

"Well, about six years ago I got a divorce. It was a bit messy and I was just looking for a fresh start. Where I didn't know everyone." She laughed a bit. "Some boy around your age came through the door while I was talking to Lynn. He was with Ponyboy and Johnny. He said he was from New York. It felt like a sign. Oh, goodness. What's his name?"


"Dallas! Dallas Winston. That's what it was." She said after a moment of hesitation.

"Yeah, I've heard of him." I said with a grin.

"It just felt like the right move."

Just then, the shower turned off. "Looks like Mark's almost done. I'm sure he'll be glad you showed up."

I sighed. "Can I ask you one more question? I hope it's not too personal."

"Yeah, go ahead."

I had to take a breath before I asked. "Do you and my dad plan on having kids? I know you guys are still younger."

She frowned. "Unfortunately, no."

Thank God.

She continued. "The reason for my divorce was because of my infertility. I can't have kids. Mark knows and we both agreed that we're too far along in life to care for a child."

I was grateful, but I felt bad for them. Well, at least her. Dad had his chance and failed. She never got that chance.

Man, how things would be different.

The door opened and we looked to my right. Dad walked out running his hands through his hair with his pajamas on. "Alexa!" He exclaimed once he noticed me.

Margaret looked at me. "I'm going to go get some coffee from downstairs. Give you two a minute."

She hesitantly stood up and walked out the door. Dad sat down in her place. "Alexa, I didn't think you'd come."

"Well, it wasn't my first choice." I said. I crossed my arms and leaned back in my chair. Seeing him made all my angry emotions come back.

"I'm glad you did. Alexa,"

I cut him off. "I just have questions. And I'm gonna start off by saying that nothing you say or do will make me come back to New York."

He frowned. "I understand that. But you're a child. You can't be down here alone."

"I have been happier down here than I ever was in New York. I have good friends who care about my actual well being, my own place, and a better paying job."

I needed to focus. I didn't want to be here all night and this was the only time I was going to get the answers I always wanted.

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