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Alexa's POV

I didn't see Dallas the next day and it actually wasn't until Friday night where I saw him again when the winners were about to be announced.

"Alright, girls. Ready for the dance?"


We all went out in the center and did our halftime routine. We were up by 21 points in the game and the entire student body was watching!

The three other seniors and I finished front and center. Everyone clapped. This was it.

It's time!

I saw Dallas walking in with Johnny and Marina. Dallas waved goodbye to them and came up with the rest of us.

"You made it." I said as Dallas walked next to me to get in line.

"Wouldn't miss it."

I giggled a bit.

We were all lined up in alphabetical order. Girls walk first, then guys.

Corrine Caster
Alexa DeVos
Yasmine Janes
Delancey Roof
Amelia Turner

Henry Knowles
Dane Polis
Tony Rould
Noah Sanner
Dallas Winston

As everyone was announced one by one, eventually we all made our way to the center of the track.

"And welcoming back last years' King and Queen to pass on the crown, Jacob St. Clair and Eileen Daniels!"

Everyone clapped.

I waved at Eileen and she waved back. She was last years cheer captain.

My nerves were on there all time high.

Delancey looked at me and mouthed "good luck" and all the girls smiled at each other.

"Is everyone ready to see the class of 1966's King and Queen?"

The crowd cheered.


I know everyone loved the suspense but it was killing all of us on the track.

Everyone started cheering.

We were all looking forward and I can only assume Jacob and Eileen were behind the two being crowned.

"A huge congratulations to everyone on the court.  And a round of applause for our new King and Queen of New York City High..."


"Dallas Winston and Alexa DeVos!"

I couldn't help but squeal as the crown was placed on my head. I hugged Eileen and then I ran to Dallas. I jumped up in his arms and he hugged me tight.

"We won!" I yelled.

The girls all came up and congratulated me and Dallas got his high fives from the guys.

Dallas looked at me with the crown slipping off his head. I giggled and fixed it. "Congrats, Lex."

"You too, Dally." We both smiled and were called our separate ways.

"Congratulations, Alexa!" Kennedy yelled. I ran over and hugged the cheerleaders in one big massive group hug. "Y'all are the sweetest. Let's finish this game off strong!"

"Woo!" We all yelled.

We finished off the game strong with an end score of 48-14!

The students gather together and sang the fight song as the football team came running.

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