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Dallas' POV

"Come on. Let's go. I wanna get to the school as soon as possible."

"Don't you wanna head to a place to stay? Like a hotel or a friends house first? I mean, come on we smell disgusting and it'll be even better when we smell like decent human beings."

"No. I can't waste any time. I'm on a mission. And the schools like a five minute walk from here. Come on, let's go."

We walked in the back entrance of the school about ten minutes before the bell was about to ring. We walked through the halls and the classrooms were empty. I heard a lot of noise from the gym.

We made our way and stood at the entrance to the gym.

Everyone was making their seats while the principal, vice principal, and superintendent were standing up front.

Everyone silenced down as we eavesdropped.

They started by announcing a group of people.

My name being in that group.

"This must be the homecoming court." I muttered.

"I heard Alexa DeVos. Which one is she?"

"The hot blonde at the end. The one next to Dane."

"I dunno who Dane is." Johnny said dumbly.


"Go make your grand entrance. This is a perfect time."

"I don't want a grand entrance. I want to be able to see Alexa's face when I run into her. I can't if I walk up behind her."

"Yeah, whatever."

We continued listening. Alexa and Dane announced it and everyone clapped.

Blah blah blah.

Then the two of us hid in the supply closet until everyone started trailing out of the school and the nine of them made their way to the room they were gonna say who the partners were.

"Come on. Let's see who I'm dancing with." I said opening the door and laughing.

Alexa's POV

"Do you think it went well?" I asked Delancey.

"I do. It was kinda funny seeing all the looks on everyone's face."

I grinned. "I was so freaked out I didn't even realize."

We walked into the room and waited along the wall for someone to come in. Eventually, Miss Looker did.

"Alright, everyone. Are you ready for partners?"

We all collectively said something along the lines of 'yes' and Miss Looker pulled out a list.

"Alright. First up, we have Tony and Yasmine." The two looked at each other and went over to the corner. "Amelia and Henry." She paused and waited for the two to follow. "Delancey and Noah." Again. "Corrine and Dane."

I didn't like this...

"And, Alexa and Dallas. So, now that we've got that out of the way-"

I interrupted. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to be this person, but I think it's finally time we address the elephant in the room." I said with a fake laugh. "Nobody has seen or heard from Dallas Winston in years! He stopped showing up to school a week into freshman year. I just don't think it's fair that my partner has almost a negative chance of showing up."

I paused to take a breath. "What are the odds of him coming back all because he got on a high school Homecoming Court for a school he barely even attended? And how would he even know about it? I mean, come on, do any of us really think he's going to walk through that door right now?"

I heard the door slam shut and someone come to stand to the right of me.

My heart must have stopped.



"Perfect! Dallas, you and Alexa are partners."

I couldn't move.

I stood there like an idiot as Miss Looker went over the rules.

"You are to practice in this room and room 401 so that way two groups can practice at once. I'd recommend Dane, Henry, Alexa, or Delancey going first since they have some sports practices to get to. It's up to you all to decide. Tomorrow it starts. Good luck!"

"Hey, Lex, would you mind if Noah and I went first tomorrow? I wanted to get some waters from the storage closet before practicing for the big game. I figured it would just be best to get it done closer to practice."

"Th-That's fine..."

"You're the best! Thanks!"

I still couldn't believe what I saw.

"Hey, partner. I guess I'll see ya tomorrow."

I looked up at him with a shocked look on my face. "Yeah." I said quickly. "See ya, tomorrow."

Everyone left the room and I sunk to the floor with a feeling of nervousness and shock.

I had a bad feeling that this wasn't going to go well.

Dallas' POV

I walked out and everything went perfect.

Even better than I could have ever imagined.

I met Johnny down the B Hall and we started to walk out down the schools walls. "How'd it go?" Johnny asked.

"You had to have been there. It was great. The look on her face was priceless. She was goin' on and on about how I wasn't gonna show up when I was in the doorframe listening. And to top it off, we're partners. How lucky is that?"

"Wow, you showed her."

We heard talking down the hallway. "I recognize that dumb high pitched voice. Come on."

Alexa's POV

"Lex?" Melanie said knocking on the door frame. She came up to me. "You ok?"

"I'm gonna lose my mind."

"You're scaring me. You ok?" She grabbed my hand and helped me up. "What happened?"

We walked down Hall D to make it to the locker rooms leading out to the football field. "It's Dallas. He's actually back."

I told her the story exactly how it went and I still couldn't believe the words were coming out of my mouth as I was saying them.

"Wow. Talk about timing."

"I know. I feel so stupid."

We were almost to the locker room and two boys appeared out in front of us. "Hey, I knew I recognized that voice."

I wanted to lash out. I really did.

But kindness will work out in the end.

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